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I made an ‘anti-Christmas list’ – my mum’s offended & thinks I’m ungrateful but I’ve got the whole family on the trend


Writing a Christmas list is something children do every year before the big day, but one adult woman has caused a stir in her family my creating an anti-Christmas list instead.

She took to a popular Reddit forum to explain how her list had upset her mum, leaving people divided over the whole thing.

The woman said she can afford to buy her own things so struggles to think of things she wans for Christmas[/caption]
The woman created the list after struggling to think of anything she really wanted[/caption]

The 33-year-old explained she created the anti-Christmas list, which contained things she didn’t want to find under the tree, rather that the things she did, because she doesn’t want any more junk.

And since her mum made the whole family to make a list on a Google document each year, she saw it as the perfect opportunity to add some things she doesn’t want or need.

So, when her mum sent around the Google doc this year and she once again couldn’t think of anything she truly wanted, she tried something else and made the anti-Christmas list.

“While trying to come up with ideas for things, mostly I just kept dreading all the sorts of things I usually get for Christmas then have to find a place for,” she wrote.

“I decided to include a list of things not to buy me, figuring that might be as helpful as a list of things I do want.

“On the list I put things like ‘fun’ socks, Funko Pops, anything I have to assemble aka ‘Merry Christmas, I got you a chore you have to do now’, throw blankets, jewellery, throw pillows, decorations, etc.”

But the new list didn’t go down so well with her mum, especailly because it featured plenty of presents she’d given her daughter in the past.

“I have told her in the past I don’t want these things,” she explained, “I pointed this out and she complained about how hard it is to buy me gifts and that just getting me gift cards is boring.”

The mum asked her to delete the list, since it’s too “negative”, but that was a little too late.

“My brother and his wife have both made anti-lists now, so have an uncle and a cousin.

“My brother also joked about a secret anti-list for their kids to avoid getting terribly messy or noisy toys,” she said.

Although it might not really be in the Christmas spirit, many of her family members ultimately agreed it was a good way to not waste money of unwanted gifts.

“I guess I just want an outside opinion on if this is an okay thing I’ve done or if I’m an ungrateful a**hole,” she added.

The idea of an anti-Christmas list left fellow Reddit users divided, with some saying it was ungrateful but others agreeing it’s more thoughtful than you might think.

One said: “I’m just like you, have way too much and feel bad even donating gifts given to me (I’ve been given enough blankets and robes to cover all walls of my home).

“If your family is also doing the same it sounds like your mum loves to give and if I were her I’d be happy for someone to tell me what not to waste my money on.”

Another agreed and loved the idea, they said: “Anti-lists is a FANTASTIC idea! As someone who is self proclaimed ‘terrible at giving gifts’, I would be THRILLED to have an ‘absolutely not’ list.

“If anything, it’s just reassurance that at least I’m hopefully coming up with something creative or useful. I completely understand why some people may find it negative but really it’s so helpful that I feel it’s worth getting over.”

Meanwhile, someone else noted that although “It may not be the Christmas-like thing to do” it can be practical and saves people wasting money and cluttering homes with unwanted clutter.

“Some people are horrible gift givers, and there really is nothing wrong with giving gift cards or what someone really wants within budget than being given a gift you don’t want or just won’t use,” they added.

Others thought asking for a charity donation in her name would’ve been a better idea and might’ve offended her mum slightly less.

But some told her to “suck it up” since her mum clearly gets joy out of buying her gifts.

How to save money on Christmas shopping

Consumer reporter Sam Walker reveals how you can save money on your Christmas shopping.

Limit the amount of presents – buying presents for all your family and friends can cost a bomb.

Instead, why not organise a Secret Santa between your inner circles so you’re not having to buy multiple presents.

Plan ahead – if you’ve got the stamina and budget, it’s worth buying your Christmas presents for the following year in the January sales.

Make sure you shop around for the best deals by using price comparison sites so you’re not forking out more than you should though.

Buy in Boxing Day sales – some retailers start their main Christmas sales early so you can actually snap up a bargain before December 25.

Delivery may cost you a bit more, but it can be worth it if the savings are decent.

Shop via outlet stores – you can save loads of money shopping via outlet stores like Amazon Warehouse or Office Offcuts.

They work by selling returned or slightly damaged products at a discounted rate, but usually any wear and tear is minor.