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To Be or Not to Be America — After Election Day


Twenty years from now, historians will look at the election of November 5th, 2024 as either the end of America or its salvation. Of course, should the Democrats win, real historians won’t be able to chronicle the former. They’ll be banned on any public medium. Because the last best hope for free speech, Elon Musk’s X, will be as censorious as its previous incarnation, Jack Dorsey’s Twitter. Then every other venue, including Fox News, will celebrate the “evolution” of the nation into a one-party Democratic state. And Musk himself will be in prison or broke.

Conservatives and patriots protested on their lone medium, X. But then the platform was shut down for hate speech and misinformation.

But somewhere and on something, perhaps an old school notebook, some brave historian will record the truth. How easy it was for the deep state to terminate the 250-year-old Republic. Certainly the key element was in place well before Election Day: a mass of ignorant people brainwashed by the anti-American education system and the mainstream media. They first had to embitter lonely less attractive women into blaming men for their misery, minorities into hating white men, and losers to despise heroes.

With enough numbers, it became simple to spread wide the disdain. Mothers saw their unborn children as soulless leeches on their career-oriented bodies. Black scumbag criminals were victims of a white-supremacist police force. The Founding Fathers were slaveholders, making the Constitution an illicit parchment. And once the Constitution was neutralized, so too its anti-government safeguards: the First Amendment, the Second Amendment, the Electoral College, the Supreme Court. All of them were summarily removed or altered.

Did none oppose this? Yes, Republicans did. Their party, although now a symbolic joke, once boasted half the country. But they stood no chance after the Harris-Walz Administration citizenized more than 20-million illegal aliens, turning every battleground state blue almost overnight. Not for nothing had the Biden-Harris Administration opened the border to a vast inflow of immigrants, offering them welfare benefits denied many Americans.

Naturally, the Supreme Court ruled the Citizenship Act unconstitutional by a 6-3 margin. The ruling delayed the act for two years until the midterm election, when the resulting confusion increased the Democratic majority in the Senate. That body promptly overruled the filibuster, allowing President Harris to add four new SCOTUS justices. They reversed the previous decision to find the Citizenship Act constitutional — yet the First Amendment, Second Amendment, and the electoral college unconstitutional.

Conservatives and patriots protested on their lone medium, X. But then the platform was shut down for hate speech and misinformation. When people took to the streets, they were arrested for insurrection. They futilely cited their rights under the First Amendment, which no longer existed. Neither did the Second. Hence guns were confiscated from formerly law-abiding citizens, leaving only armed criminals. Many resistors were arrested or shot.

The above scenario is not Orwellian fiction. Prominent Democrats have stated on the record their desire to implement such measures. Ex-Secretary of State, John Kerry, recently blasted the First Amendment as an obstacle, in his view, to benevolent government censorship.

“If people only go to one source, and the source they go to is sick, and, you know, has an agenda and they’re putting out disinformation, our First Amendment stands as a major block to be able to just, you know, hammer it out of existence,” Kerry said. “So what we need is to win the ground, win the right to govern, by hopefully winning enough votes that you’re free to be able to implement change.”

And “border czarina” Kamala Harris not only enabled more border crossings, she wants to facilitate the illegals’ “pathway to citizenship.”. She told CNN, “The solution includes putting resources at the border to do what we can to process people effectively. And putting in place laws that actually allow for a meaningful, meaningful pathway to citizenship.”

According to a September Pew Research Poll, eight-in-ten Democrats favor replacing the Electoral College. Which reflects the school system’s malfeasance in teaching youth about the Constitution, and what the Electoral College was sagely designed for — to keep the sane states of America from being ruled by the loons in California and New York. And Joe Biden did announce a commission to study mandatory changes to the Supreme Court, like expanding it by four justices.

The Left is Loath to Elect Trump

The nation-ending stakes of the election are ignored by far too many Americans, mostly on the Left. Their hatred of Donald Trump blinds even the more patriotic old-school Democrats. But Trump is all that’s standing between the fanatics’ dreams of destruction and the right path for the country. And it’s driving them insane. Enough to try to hit Trump where it doesn’t hurt by questioning his manhood.

Wannabe action star Dave Bautista — with two post Guardians of the Galaxy movie bombs on his resume — beclowned himself attempting this on video last week. In the latest desperate Hollywoke attempt to decrease Trump’s appeal to men, Bautista appears wearing boxing gloves in a ring, looking slightly more convincing than the White Dudes for Harris. “Fellas, we gotta talk,” Bautista begins. “A lot of men seem to think that Donald Trump is some kind of tough guy. He’s not … The guy’s afraid of birds … ”

But not of real bullets, Bautista forgot. As did most leftists, from whom the image of a bloody Trump standing up after being shot in the head has been erased by their preferred media. But we didn’t forget. We’ll pull the lever for Trump on November 5th. And with God’s grace, November 6th will bring morning in America once again.

READ MORE from Lou Aguilar:

The Hysterical Attempt to ‘Woo’ Real Men for Harris

A Woman Underground Is A Great Book

Looking for the ideal mystery book for Christmas? Read my new political thriller novel The Washington Trail. Because in a turbulent election year, politics can be murder.

The post To Be or Not to Be America — After Election Day appeared first on The American Spectator | USA News and Politics.