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Trump's niece lists 13 reasons her uncle is unfit for office — from last two weeks alone


A family member of Donald Trump on Sunday exploded in confusion around the fact that the presidential polls are so close, despite Trump being, according to her, entirely unfit for office.

Mary Trump, a trained psychologist who has been critical of her uncle and has endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris, over the weekend took to her Substack blog to vent her frustration with the idea that Trump is still being taken seriously as a presidential candidate.

"I’ve been trying to wrap my head around this mystifying fact: the national presidential polls show Kamala Harris and Donald Trump within a point or two of each other. Most of the swing-state polls are essentially tied. Any movement is likely just churn and noise," she wrote. "We’re sixteen days out from the election and while anything could still happen, nothing of the many, many things that already have happened since Harris entered the race at the end of July (yes, that’s three months, not three lifetimes ago), it’s hard to imagine anything would be able to re-shape the race before November 5th."

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Mary Trump went on to say that, in the last two weeks alone, "we have been treated to an incomprehensible amount of evidence of Donald Trump’s unfitness."

She then listed 13 things from the last 14 days that suggest Trump shouldn't be elected again:

  • In the middle of a townhall, he stood on stage and listened as a random and very weird playlist [played] for 39 minutes.
  • He insulted American autoworkers, claiming a child could do their jobs.
  • His supporters flew swastika and Trump 2024 flags at a boat parade in Jupiter, FL.
  • He insulted Detroit while he was in Detroit.
  • Kamala Harris reminded us that Gen. Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in the Trump administration said Donald was “fascist to the core.”
  • He doubled down on calling Democrats “the enemy from within.”
  • He continued to threaten to revoke CBS broadcasting license because he didn’t like the way they edited excerpts of Vice President Harris’ interview.
  • After his mic stopped working, he wandered around the stage for 20 minutes until the problem was fixed.
  • He called Pres. Biden a “fat pig,” and told Jill to slap him around.
  • He showed up for a softball interview with fellow fascist Dan Bongino and seemed to defend Harvey Weinstein, saying he’d been “schlonged.”
  • He ended that interview 30 minutes early, because he had forgotten it was streaming live.
  • He went on at length about how many guys, who saw Arnold Palmer in the shower, marveled at the size of his penis.
  • And today he showed up at a McDonald’s, which was closed to customers, to “work.” It did not go well.

In conclusion, Mary Trump said, "I’m not really sure what else it’s going to take, but it will get worse—and Donald will get worse."

"And maybe that will be the only way, finally, to move the needle," she added.

Read the full post here.