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Funniest/Most Insightful Comments Of The Week At Techdirt


This week, both our winners on the insightful side come in response to our post about the judge who smacked down Florida’s attempt to censor abortion initiative ads. In first place, it’s an anonymous comment about our description of the legislature being “confused” about the first amendment:

Make no mistake: They know exactly how it works. They just don’t like how it works.

In second place, it’s another anonymous comment on the subject:

GOP: We love the free market and free speech!
Free market: Vote to protect abortion access.
GOP: Not like that!

For editor’s choice on the insightful side, we’ve got a pair of comments about the civil rights lawyer who is suing the court that blocked him from talking about a private prison company. First, it’s That One Guy with a description of the situation:

Blaming the mirror

If an accurate description of your words and/or actions is enough to turn a jury against you then the source of the problem is not the description or the person reporting it.

Next, it’s Stephen T. Stone with a followup reply:

Or to put it another way: Anyone or anything that can be destroyed by the truth deserves it.

Over on the funny side, our first place winner is also Stephen T. Stone, with a reply to a comment describing the modern GOP as being like a two year old repeatedly asking for a cookie:

That’s an insult to two year olds. At least they can learn from their mistakes.

In second place, it’s an anonymous comment again about the civil rights lawyer’s lawsuit:

Your Honor, the facts of the case are prejudicial against me!

For editor’s choice on the funny side, we start out with an anonymous comment about British cops no longer wanting anything to do with ExTwitter:

Fortunately, for $8 a month, anyone in the world can just spin up a verified account and pretend to be any given UK governmental entity.

Finally, it’s an anonymous comment about the robot vacuum that collects photos, videos and audio of users:

We were warned that iRobot was bad! They even made a movie about it!

That’s all for this week, folks!