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Why onions and potatoes are used in nuclear bomb testing? Scientists say…


There are only nine countries in the world which have a nuclear bomb and India is one of those powerful nations. You must have heard many interesting facts about a nuclear bomb and its testing but have you ever heard that onions and potatoes play a role in nuclear bomb tests?

In the nuclear test that India conducted in Pokhran, reports claim that the powerful country used many tons of onions and potatoes. Following India’s example, many other countries have also used onions and tomatoes in their nuclear bomb tests. However, most of you will be excited to know how onions and potatoes are used in nuclear bomb testing. Here’s everything you need to know about the use of onions and potatoes are used in nuclear bomb testing.

Role of Onions in nuclear testing

Onions are in the used onions and potatoes are used in nuclear bomb testing to reduce the amount of radiation. As the nuclear explosion emits alpha, beta and gamma rays, onions have the ability to absorb these radiations and for this purpose, millions of tons of onions are buried at the nuclear testing site. For the unversed, controlling the radiations is important because if radiations come in contact with humans, blood tissues can be immediately destroyed.

Scientists have discovered that the survival rate of cells exposed to radiation can be improved by onion extract. Filled with flavonoids and phenolic acids, onions are naturally packed with antioxidant and anti-genotoxic properties.

Reports have it that onion roots are used to study the effects of radiation emanating from atomic bomb tests – a fascinating fact few people know. Onions can even indicate the level of gamma radiation while it’s in storage. In a breakthrough research, Bhabha Atomic Research Center (BARC) has innovated a technique to increase onions’ longevity – using a combination of radiation and cold storage.

Role of Potatoes in nuclear testing

Talking about the role of Potatoes, they are used to reduce the effects of radiation. Moreover, Potatoes have also been used to see how semi-destructible foods are affected by nuclear explosions. In a recent scientific achievement, Plant science researchers at the University of Tennessee have found that potatoes soak up exceptionally well — gamma radiation, which can thereby be used in engineer plant-based sensors that could help protect communities from harmful radiation.