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This IIT Madras student rejected high-paying job offer in Bengaluru due to…


IIT students are highly sought after by tech firms and startups who are looking for brilliant young minds to add value to their enterprise. In several cases, many students are offered high-paying jobs even when they are still studying and yet to earn a degree. One such case recently came to light where a student pursuing a BSc degree in Computer Science at the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras was offered a well-paying job by a YouTube content creator but the youngster turned it down. Here’s why.

In a post which has now gone viral on X (formerly Twitter), a Ishan Sharma, a Bengaluru-based YouTuber with over 1.5 million subscribers, revealed he had tried to hire a IIT Madras student as a video editor for his channel but the boy turned down his offer.

“Tried hiring a video editor. He signed the offer letter and then sends me this email. This has happened to me multiple times,” Sharma wrote while sharing a screenshot of the conversation with IITian.

In his email to Sharma, the student respectfully rejected the YouTuber’s job offer, with the reasoning that he does not feel leaving IIT campus at this stage was the right decision for him.

“I’ve given a lot of thought to the offer, and I understand that I signed it and we spoke this morning too. Even so, after thinking through the situation, I’ve come to the conclusion that I won’t be able to join you guys. The main reason is that I feel leaving IIT campus at this stage in my life isn’t the right choice for me. I want to at least complete 1 or 2 more years here. This is my final decision, and it won’t change,” he wrote.

“It’s not about money or anything else, your offer was excellent, and I’m truly grateful that you considered me for such a role. I’m very sorry for any time wasted for you and your team. I wish you all the growth,” he added.

Sharma’s post has gone viral on X, garnering over 32k views and nearly a hundred comments by users with some advising the YouTuber to “hire professionals, not college kids”.

“Go for professionals, pay them good salary, They will stick. These college kids change their mood every hour,” a user advised.

Several users also pointed out that low salary could have been a reason for the rejection. “Not a hater but, I’ve heard from a few guys that you pay quite low to editors considering your brand value, Could that be the reason?,” asked one user.

“You honestly pay very less, Ishan. Ask me how I know this? Some of the editors from your team were my friends, they quit you to join my team because of money they were getting,” another wrote.