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Discover the Highlights of the TPT Annual Report 2024


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Welcome to the Trans Pennine Trail

A national coast to coast route for recreation and transport – for walkers, cyclists and (in part) horse riders

Welcome to the Trans Pennine Trail

A national coast to coast route for recreation and transport – for walkers, cyclists and (in part) horse riders


A national coast to coast route for recreation and transport – for walkers, cyclists and (in part) horse riders

Discover the Highlights of the TPT Annual Report 2024

As we celebrate the 35th anniversary of the Trans Pennine Trail (TPT), the TPT National Office has released the TPT Annual Report 2024, a comprehensive document that showcases the incredible work and achievements of the past year. This report is a testament to the dedication and collaborative spirit of our partners, stakeholders, and volunteers who have contributed to the Trail’s success.

A Journey of Commitment and Collaboration
The report begins with a heartfelt introduction from John Wilson, Chair of the Trans Pennine Trail Partnership, reflecting on the journey and the unwavering commitment of everyone involved in nurturing the Trail’s growth. The TPT National Office, a compact team of three, has been pivotal in leading the project, collaborating with 26 local authorities, Friends of the Trans Pennine Trail, Sustrans, the British Horse Society, Disabled Ramblers, and other key stakeholders.

Key Highlights from the Report

  1. Promotion & Marketing: The TPT website has undergone significant updates, enhancing its role as the central hub for Trail promotion. The addition of podcasts, monthly videos, and a revised User Code has enriched the user experience. Social media continues to play a crucial role in engaging with the community, despite challenges in data analysis on certain platforms.
  2. Project Resilience: Securing the financial future of the TPT National Office remains a priority. The report highlights successful funding initiatives, including contributions from Local Authorities and grants secured by the Friends of the Trans Pennine Trail. The Reaching Communities funding has been instrumental in enhancing community engagement and accessibility.
  3. Supporters and Volunteers: The dedication of volunteers and supporters is celebrated, with regular updates and newsletters keeping the community informed and engaged. The Friends of the Trans Pennine Trail continue to play a vital role in securing funding and supporting the National Office.
  4. Research and Development: The 2023 Visitor Survey provided valuable insights into user demographics, spending patterns, and satisfaction levels. The report emphasises the importance of accessibility and the economic benefits of the Trail.
  5. Quality Standards and Accessibility: Ensuring the Trail’s quality and accessibility is paramount. The report details ongoing efforts to modify or remove access controls and maintain high standards for the visitor experience.
  6. Environmental Sustainability: The TPT’s commitment to environmental sustainability is highlighted through various projects and consultations aimed at preserving the Trail as a ‘green corridor’ and promoting eco-friendly practices.

The TPT Annual Report 2024 is more than just a document; it is a celebration of the collective efforts that have made the Trans Pennine Trail a cherished asset.

By delving into the full report, you will gain a deeper understanding of the work undertaken by the TPT National Office, the challenges they have faced, and the remarkable achievements they have accomplished over the past year. This report is an inspiring read for anyone interested in the future of the Trail and the community that supports it.

You can download the 2024 Annual Report here.

Date: 18th October 2024 

Mandy Loach                       Hannah Beaumont             Robert Drummond

Interactive Map

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