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'Seems like someone is worried': Trump's latest schedule change has analysts puzzled


Atlanta Journal-Constitution writer Greg Bluestein reported Friday that Donald Trump's campaign had canceled his keynote address to the National Rifle Association in Georgia for a roundtable with Latino voters in Florida.

Critics filled his mentions with comments guessing that it was Trump's attempt to "clean up" from the town hall Trump did with Univision this week. One person even posted a screen capture of one of the men who asked Trump a question but didn't appear pleased with the answer.

"Trump cancelled an NRA event in GA to go to FL and pander to Latino voters (someone should tell him his Univision town hall didn’t go too well). Seems like someone is worried about FL and the Latino vote nationally," said former Florida gubernatorial candidate and Florida Democratic Party chairperson Nikki Fried.

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Others questioned why Trump would be campaigning in a state where he didn't need the votes.

"WTF is he doing wasting time in Florida? If he wins this thing, it won't be because of 2016-like focus on repeated events in battlegrounds," asked national security lawyer Bradley P. Moss on X.

One individual responded, noting that Trump might be courting a huge Latino voting bloc in Miami. Moss still couldn't understand why Trump would do it, given that Florida is already a lock for him.

Kamala Harris' rapid response director, Ammar Moussa, was just as confused, posting the eyes-looking emoji, and writing on X, "Two weeks out from election day and Trump will be in ... Florida."

Past President of AILA and immigration attorney Allen Orr Jr. noted it could mean Trump believes "Florida is in play."

Georgia has already begun voting, and 1 million ballots have been cast. Most Florida counties begin voting on Monday, Oct. 21.