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Bret Baier Admits He Made Mistake Letting Kamala Harris Speak


NEW YORK—Addressing blowback he received for his contentious interview with the Democratic nominee this week, Fox News anchor Bret Baier admitted Friday that he made a mistake letting presidential candidate Kamala Harris speak. “I want to say that it was absolutely a misstep to let Harris get a word in edgewise during our interview,” said the Special Report host, calling the choice a major lapse in judgment that did not serve the interests of the millions of viewers who tuned in to see him talk over Harris for 30 minutes as she haltingly tried to articulate her position. “There were stretches of several seconds during our meeting that did not include me reading questions off a clipboard and in which Kamala Harris’ voice was clearly audible. In the heat of the moment, I could not think of a way to stop her from speaking. This should have been a monologue, and instead it was nearly a conversation. I am deeply sorry for that. This is not the kind of journalism you expect from Fox News.” Baier added that in the future he would cut any Democratic politician’s mic right when an interview began.

The post Bret Baier Admits He Made Mistake Letting Kamala Harris Speak appeared first on The Onion.