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A Friends of the Trans Pennine Trail Board Meeting


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Welcome to the Trans Pennine Trail

A national coast to coast route for recreation and transport – for walkers, cyclists and (in part) horse riders

Welcome to the Trans Pennine Trail

A national coast to coast route for recreation and transport – for walkers, cyclists and (in part) horse riders


A national coast to coast route for recreation and transport – for walkers, cyclists and (in part) horse riders

Behind the scenes – A ‘Friends of the TPT’ Board Meeting

Ever wondered what happens during a Friends Board meeting?   

Here’s a glimpse into our recent session held virtually, using Microsoft Teams on Thursday 5th September 2024. Our meetings are a mix of updates, discussions, and planning, ensuring that our projects and initiatives are on track and running smoothly.

The meeting kicked off with Les Webb, our Secretary, welcoming the attendees. We began with reports from the Chair and Secretary which included a sombre moment as we acknowledged the passing of a Friend of the TPT, Martin Bright. 

Several projects were on the agenda and Membership was a key topic with Membership Secretary, Jane Hall leading discussions on the proposed new membership leaflet, discount card and Corporate Friends membership category.

We also discussed the ongoing visitor survey that closes on September 16th.  Our Treasurer, Kathy England, reported on the budget and the funds available to support suitable projects through the Friends Small Grants Fund. We also talked about the preparation of the final accounts in advance of the AGM on Wednesday 27th November.

Members of the TPT national office updated the meeting on the many initiatives being work on.   Our discussions extended to community engagement and the importance of promoting the Trail through various media channels. We also touched on the importance of consulting with local authorities and partners to ensure the Trail’s ongoing maintenance and development.

We discussed our collaboration with organisations like Gripple Ltd and the positive feedback on these partnerships. Mandy Loach, the TPT Team Leader, emphasised the importance of continuously promoting our activities and engaging with the community through various platforms. The Friends Board also highlighted the need for more benches and rest areas along the Trail, particularly for elderly and physically less able users.

Hannah Beaumont, our Senior Development Officer, provided insights into our digital presence, explaining our focus on enhancing the TPT website, making it a central hub for all information. We are also excited about the new Digital Trails initiative, which aims to provide both visual and auditory experiences for those who cannot physically access the Trail.

Our Friends Board meetings are a mixture of review, planning, and proactive initiatives. They ensure that we remain aligned to our 5-year strategy and responsive to the needs of the community right across the length of the Trail.

The FOTPT Board meeting is one of several meetings held four times a year with our different stakeholders and supporters.

If you are interested in the work of the Friends of the TPT or in becoming a Friend, visit the Friends pages on our website.

Date: 6th September 2024

 Robert Drummond

Interactive Map

See our interactive mapping for detailed route alignment and route diversions.


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