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Montana: Help Save Americans by Ousting Tester


Dear Montana voters — and anyone else who can share this with a Montana voter:

You guys are the people who will vote whether to kick Jon Tester out of the U.S. Senate or empower him for yet another six more years to single-handedly continue destroying America with his extreme-leftist agenda. He continually has pursued his radical left agenda, voting in lockstep with the Obamas, Bidens, and Harrises. He does it by voting way-out Left Woke for periods of 5 years and 9 months during his every six-year Senate term. Then he fools all of you by fraudulently shifting his gears shamelessly for the last three months, suddenly masquerading as a moderate.

Let’s talk plainly here: He hoodwinks you in Montana every six years and makes all of you look like idiots. In fact, he himself considers you a bunch of rubes. In his mind, all it takes for him to get the votes of your deep red, MAGA state — so that he can keep enabling Kamala Harris, Obama, and Biden with your votes — is to wear a buzz cut, carry a hefty paunch over his belt, and remind you that he lost three fingers at age 9 in a tragic meat grinder accident. The accident indeed was tragic. That tragedy left him with enough other fingers to raise his hand and vote again and again for over a decade against every single value you believe in, and still have one middle finger left to vote to convict Donald Trump on impeachments and destroy this country. His vote — that Montana Senate seat of his — repeatedly has made the difference, on vote after vote, between a 50–50 tie that Kamala Harris breaks, or a 51-49 Democrat woke vote that becomes 51–49 the other way when West Virginia’s Joe Manchin gets replaced next month by a conservative pro-Trump Republican.

Please understand that. When you vote for Trump over a Hillary, a Biden, or a Harris by 15 points and yet also vote for Tester, you look like yokels to all the rest of America. And who is to say that the rest of America is wrong? Are you Ocasio Democrats or Trump Republicans? If you are for Trump, how can you be the ones who saddle him with an impossible Senate that tries to impeach him, sabotage him, keep the border wide open, kill American energy, and so much worse? We are talking about a Senate that is 51 Democrats and 49 Republicans. West Virginia is switching from Democrat to GOP. That makes it 50–50. If you insanely reelect Tester yet again, that keeps it at 50–50, which allows a Democrat vice president like Weird Walz to vote for the entire Harris agenda. But if you kick Tester out, that makes the Senate 51–49 Republican, and a Democrat vice president will not matter (if that side wins, G-d forbid).

If you don’t throw out Tester, he will be right back to five years and nine more months of radical left Senate voting in step with Kamala Harris on the open border, budget out of control, American boycott of our own energy sources, crime explosion, and selection of radical left-wing judges out of touch from Montana family values.

I am writing you for several reasons. California, New York, and Illinois are hopelessly Blue Democrat (for now). They elect extreme left senators on purpose. But you Montanaguys are great. You really (seem to) get it. You are among the very reddest of Republican conservative states. Nearly 75 percent of all Montana registered voters turned out in 2016, and you voted for Trump over Hillary by 56.17 percent to 35.75, a remarkable 21-point blowout. Four years later, you gave Trump another blowout victory, this time over Joe Biden, by 56.92 percent to 40.55 — again, a 16-point landslide. And yet …

Why did you also elect Jon Tester to the Senate to destroy Trump? You sent the extreme-left Tester to Washington in 2018, two years after electing Trump, giving Tester a spread of 50.33 to 46.78 percent — three and a half points. What were you thinking?

Jon Tester voted with Bernie Sanders to impeach President Trump in 2020.

Jon Tester voted with Bernie Sanders again to impeach President Trump in 2021.

But Jon Tester voted twice with Bernie Sanders not to impeach Alejandro Mayorkas on how he has mishandled the southern border and lied to Congress about it.

Jon Tester voted with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris 99 percent of the time. These are simple facts, easy to confirm. He voted with Harris and Biden on 716 out of 723 votes during the 117th Congress. How much more extreme left can a senator get? From Montana yet? Do you understand what you have been doing, how he has been lying to you?

In November 2022, he voted to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act that even President Bill Clinton had promoted. In April 2022, he voted to approve Ketanji Brown Jackson (the one who cannot define “woman”) to the Supreme Court without even raising any questions. In January 2022, he voted to oppose additional sanctions on a Putin gas pipeline. In August 2021, he voted for the Harris–Biden $3.5 trillion budget plan that busted the American economy and ruined your lives — and all of America’s — by sending all our costs spiraling higher than the Blue Sky: food prices, gasoline at the pump, home heating and air conditioning, and all related costs through the roof. We still have not recovered three years later. That’s because you let Tester fool you with his buzz cut, his paunch, and by imitating a conservative during the last three months of his six-year leftist term.

That $3.5 trillion disaster passed by 50–49. Your Tester from Montana was the whole difference. If there had been a Republican senator from Montana voting instead of Tester, the switched vote would have been 50–49 the other way, and the worst of inflation disasters that have destroyed so much of your lives — and those of all Americans — would have been avoided. He may dress like a farmer and cowboy, maintain a buzz cut and paunch, but he stuck it to the farmers, cowboys, and regular everyday people of Montana and America. Can’t you see past his buzz cut? And all the above is merely a sampling from 2021–2022, only two of his six years since 2019.

Tester repeatedly has voted to fund sanctuary cities and grant amnesty to illegal immigrants. He even voted to stop building the border wall. How can you give such landslides to President Donald Trump, as you will again over Kamala Harris and her extreme woke socialist agenda this November, while also sending Jon Tester on another kamikaze mission — in your Montana name — to destroy Trump?

How can you keep doing this?

Going into this November, there have been 51 Democrat senators and 49 Republicans the past two years. Because of Tester, there were 33 times that the U.S. Senate tied when voting, meaning that Kamala Harris, as vice president, had the power to cast the left-wing tie-breaking vote. The only thing we Americans needed to avoid giving Kamala Harris such tie-breaking power was a Republican senator from Montana instead of Jon Tester and another from West Virginia. West Virginia now has turned and is in the GOP bag for this November; Joe Manchin has quit, and the Democrats have given up hope there. But you of Montana, who elected President Trump in 2016 by 21 points and in 2020 by 15 points, also somehow have stiffed the rest of America with Jon Tester twice in a row, a 12-year nightmare in the U.S. Senate.

Montana, please give us our America back. Please kick out Tester and give us a senator worthy of Montana, a Republican whose election will shift the Senate majority from Democrat to Republican. With that majority, the Republicans will take back chairmanship of all Senate committees. That is how the rules work: that one single Senate seat change will take all the Senate committees away from all the Democrat hacks. No more Patty Murray in charge of Appropriations. No more Bernie Sanders as chairman of Health and Education. No more Alex Padilla in charge of Immigration and Border Safety. It all comes down to you of Montana ousting Jon Tester. How hard is this to appreciate?

Replace Tester and empower Republicans to set the Senate agenda. Because the U.S. Senate is the only body empowered by our Constitution to approve or reject Supreme Court judicial nominations — and, in fact, all federal judicial nominations — a Republican Senate majority means commonsense judges, but a Tester–Democrat Senate majority means more judges like the Ketanji Jackson he voted for instead of Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito.

For the love of G-d and blue skies, Montana, please vote to throw out Jon Tester and replace him with a Republican.

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The post Montana: Help Save Americans by Ousting Tester appeared first on The American Spectator | USA News and Politics.