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BREAKING: Jerry Reinsdorf May Sell The White Sox


Rejoice White Sox fans, as dreams do come true. According to Britt Ghiroli of the Athletic, Jerry Reinsdorf is opening to selling the team.

This comes as a shock, as nobody thought that Jerry would sell the team. He has made it very clear that the White Sox are the favorite team he is an owner of, and he made it seem like he would keep them until his death. However, with this new report, that might not be the case anymore.

Perhaps coming off one of the worst MLB seasons of all time combined with the recent articles that explored how Jerry runs the team behind the scenes are the catalysts for a potential sale, but nobody can say for certain.

According to the article, he is open to selling the team, but there aren’t any sources that are allowed to discuss the details publicly. However, one major detail has snuck out about a potential sale, and it may not bode well for the White Sox staying in Chicago.

Reinsdorf is allegedly in discussion with former major leaguer Dave Stewart, who is in charge of the Smoke34 group. Recently, Stewart’s group tried to make a bid for Oakland’s share in the Coliseum. He and his business partner are also in the process of getting a professional woman’s soccer team in Nashville, so he could try and bring the White Sox along with them if they are able finalize a sale.

It is unclear how far along in the process these discussions are, but I would imagine that Major League Baseball would prefer to keep one of the oldest major league teams in Chicago, as they have an extremely passionate fan base. I am not sure if that would take Stewart out of the running for the team, as it is likely he would be happy to be the owner of the White Sox, with or without a move to Nashville.

Due to the market the White Sox are in, even sharing it with the Cubs, there will be plenty of suitors for the White Sox. There are plenty of people that would do what they can to own a sports team, as it is one of the most profitable investments one can make.

Unfortunately, when the Athletic reached out, both Reinsdorf and Stewart both declined to comment. So, at least for the time being, White Sox fans can hold out hope that a sale of the White Sox is not too far in the future.