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PostspageantcastJun 13, 20212021 Mrs. Wisconsin America and Miss Wisconsin for America Strong PageantNew Post has been published on Mrs. Wisconsin America and Miss Wisconsin for America Strong PageantWausau/Mosinee, WI – I had the opportunity to judge for the 2021 Mrs. Wisconsin America and Miss Wisconsin for America Strong Pageant on June 5, 2021. It was an honor to sit on the judging panel for all these lovely ladies competing for the coveted aforementioned titles. As a judge, I am duty bound not to discuss the process beyond telling you that director Natalie Boyd ran a well organized and brisk pageant competition without some of the gobbledy gook that forces some pageants to run for 4 hours and put half the audience into a medically induced coma. This was just the competition and it ran like a Swiss watch as the pageant unfolded. Assistant Coordinator Michelle Weisheim (a former) assisted keeping things moving and getting us to where we neede...