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Marin IJ Election Soapbox for Oct. 14, 2024


Dawn Matheson best MMWD District 5 seat

Please support Dawn Matheson for the District 5 seat on the Marin Municipal Water District Board of Directors in the Nov. 5 election. My research shows she is the only candidate committed to fully exploring innovative solutions like potable recycled water, either indirect (IPR) or direct (DPR).

The incumbent, Larry Russell, wants to meet all of Marin’s future water needs through conservation. Conservation is important, of course. But Marin’s population is increasing, and our climate is changing, which will lead to more severe droughts. Conservation won’t be enough; we need new infrastructure.

Building a larger pipeline from the Russian River, as other candidates have mentioned, is of limited usefulness. When we’re in a drought, Sonoma County is too. Our current agreement with it to buy water doesn’t guarantee that it will sell to Marin when supply is tight.

We need new sources of water, and it’s increasingly clear that recycling is the answer. More districts across the state are implementing it. The state will even provide grants to plan and build infrastructure.

We need someone on the board with an engineering background to evaluate the trade-offs and explore all the options for building that infrastructure. Only Dawn Matheson has what we need to lead us forward. Please vote for her.

— Dawn Martin Mirkin, Corte Madera

Vote yes on Novato’s Measure M sales tax plan

I am writing in support of the Novato Measure M sales tax proposal on the Nov. 5 ballot.

While no one likes a sales tax increase, no one likes potholes either. Even more, no one wants police services reduced. It is a great loss when trained police officers leave our community because we can’t pay them a living wage. Let’s keep these highly trained and very kind folks in our city. An increased sales tax would also be used for improving and maintaining our parks, which I and many residents love and use.

Measure M would raise Novato’s sales tax by 0.75%, which is 75 cents on a $100 purchase or $7.50 on a $1,000 purchase. It would bring our sales tax to the same rate as San Rafael. It will not be a tax on food or medicine.

Unfortunately, Novato’s budget deficit has been growing for a long time. My observations tell me that this was not created by the current officeholders. With the additional funds from the new tax, the City Council will be able to work with a stable revenue source and position Novato for a healthy financial future.

I urge everyone to support Measure M to keep Novato safe, pleasant and prepared for possible emergencies. It will help us sleep at night, knowing we are well supported by our city.

— Abby Minot, Novato

Vote yes on Measure B to support Tam District

I support Measure B, the bond proposal in support of the Tamalpais Union High School District on the November ballot.

It’s not just because I’m a parent of three, all who have or will attend a TUHSD school. It’s not just because I’m a homeowner, who is well aware of the financial stress around property taxes. It’s not just because, for the past 13 years, I’ve dedicated hundreds of hours to our schools and understand how valuable strong schools are for everyone in the community.

It’s because it’s the right thing to do.

The state does not provide what is needed financially to keep up with facility needs. We have to come to our communities and plead our case — that having safe, climate-comfortable facilities that meet the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act is not a “nice to have.” It’s a “must have” in order to protect and enhance student achievement.

Without the support from Measure B, the Tam District will be facing teacher layoffs, program cuts and larger class sizes. Safe classrooms are a basic need in order for student success. Vote yes on Measure B for TUHSD.

— Melissa Wahlstrom, San Anselmo

McPhail Sridharan best for District 2 supervisor

I had the pleasure of working with Heather McPhail Sridharan for over five years while on the Kentfield School Board of Trustees. I know her to be a woman of principle with a strong set of values and the confidence to stick to those values.

She never shied away from making tough decisions. McPhail Sridharan was president of the board when we navigated the COVID-19 pandemic response and Kentfield became the first K-8 public school district in Marin to come back full-time to in-person instruction.

McPhail Sridharan is committed to the success of every citizen in Marin County and in District 2. She will be a principled and effective representative on the Marin County Board of Supervisors. I will proudly vote for Heather McPhail Sridharan for Marin in November.

— David Riedel, Greenbrae

Walker a good choice for San Anselmo council seat

I write in support of Chantal Walker in the race for a seat on San Anselmo Town Council in the November election.

I have known Walker for over 20 years. She approaches challenges with optimism and a can-do attitude. She will bring creative problem-solving skills to her role as a council member, as she has done in her roles as a Marin Community Fund program officer, Marin County Library leader, human resources leader and nonprofit executive.

Walker cares deeply about the vitality of San Anselmo and our planet. She has lived in San Anselmo for 10 years. I know she feels blessed to have raised her family there. She will make policy decisions based on what is best for future generations and the preservation of our Earth.

In reading her platform, I know she understands the importance of balancing the need for affordable and sustainably built housing, as well as preserving San Anselmo’s quality of life. She also understands the vital role that small businesses play in preserving the health of San Anselmo.

In these divisive times, Walker will bring critical skills to the Town Council with her keen listening skills, as well as her collaborative and inclusive abilities, to bring people together around shared values and visions. Her list of endorsements is significant. Learn more

Please vote for Chantal Walker for San Anselmo Town Council.

— Wanden P. Treanor, Greenbrae

Reelect Fred Casissa to Corte Madera council

Councilmember Fred Casissa has done an outstanding job for the town of Corte Madera. He deserves your vote on the November ballot for a second term on the Town Council.

Having worked with Casissa, I can attest that he listens, understands and cares about the residents of the town and how the council’s decisions affect our lives. He has great insights into how the town works and how its resources and decisions can be made to address our needs and concerns.

I have seen how he carefully translates his insights into policy that benefits us all. Please vote for Fred Casissa and ensure that he remains on the council.

— Richard Kalish, Corte Madera

Ken Eichstaedt best for Division 1 NMWD seat

I am a retired watershed and riparian systems consultant who served as president of the California State Reclamation Board and as former chair of the Marin County Planning Commission. I strongly recommend the reelection of Division 1 North Marin Water District Director Ken Eichstaedt in the November election.

Eichstaedt brings more than 40 years of technical engineering expertise with water systems to the board. Additionally, he understands the importance of utility systems, roadways, environmental cleanups and civil infrastructure.

The NMWD board needs his skills and knowledge to make the best possible decisions for the district. Eichstaedt is a dedicated public servant who is committed to improving West Marin’s water service for generations to come.

West Marin needs to have strong representation on the NMWD board and Eichstaedt is the one to do that. Learn more at

— Anne Sutherland Sands, Bolinas