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Hangman - Play the Word Game Online at Coolmath Games

Classic#6 in Top 10 Game Progress Log in to keep XP 0 XP You’ll Also Like Coffee ShopThe Final Earth 2Giant Sushi PartyChef SlashGame content reviewed byAlex FeigenbaumLearn About Our Game Review GuidelinesGenre:ClassicRating:4.5 / 5(654,157 Votes)Updated:Aug 15, 2024Release: Nov 28, 2017 Platforms:Browser, MobileHangman InstructionsGuess letters one at a time to solve the word puzzle.Tap a letter to guess it.Each time you solve a word, the balloons you saveare added to your score. Up for a challenge? Increase the difficulty and you'll have fewer balloons to hangon to!HANGMAN TIPS & STRATEGIESUse your vowels. Looking at vowels is a good way to start. Since there are only 5, you can fill in some blanks pretty quickly. They can even help you guess the answer straight away.For example, if you try the letter A and the word looks like this ‘_A_A_A’, you might be able to guess straight away that the answer is BANANA just from one letter.Etaoin shrdlu. "Etaoin shrdlu" is two words listing the...