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The Party of Demons


It should be clear by now, to those who have eyes to see, that the Democratic Party is profoundly anti-Catholic. The latest stunt demonstrative of this fact is a video of Michigan’s Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer feeding a Dorito to a kneeling podcaster, who receives the snack food on her tongue. You know, like Catholics receive the Holy Eucharist while kneeling at the altar rail.

Whitmer and her team may try to dismiss the video as anything other than the anti-Catholic mockery that it is, but Whitmer makes her meaning clear. The Hill reported that Whitmer “offers the camera a serious expression while wearing Harris-Walz campaign gear” after placing the Dorito on the kneeling girl’s tongue. However, those familiar with the Michigan governor (I myself lived in Detroit for a period of time) will recognize a distinctly defiant, mocking menace in her eyes. This is more than just a political ploy, it is more than merely poorly capitalizing on a social media trend, it is mocking and deriding American Catholics.

Of course, as I said, this is simply the latest instance of a top Democrat challenging the Catholic Church in America. The Democratic Party was once a political home for American Catholics, who valued providing for the poor and needy, working to protect the vulnerable and innocent in society, and preserving such liberties as freedom of religion. Abortion was, in the end, the death knell for the Democratic Party of old. The slaughter of unborn innocents is, in the end, incompatible with caring for the poor and needy, protecting the vulnerable and innocent, and preserving or respecting the freedom of religion.

Since the U.S. Supreme Court handed down its horrific Roe v. Wade ruling in 1973, the Democratic Party has pitted itself against the Catholic Church and increasingly obsessed over what it erroneously calls “reproductive rights.” The Church has, of course, unwaveringly declared the grave moral evil of abortion since the first century. Long before heresies arose and were stamped out, long before Christological details were ordained, long before even the dogma of the Immaculate Conception was decided (Famously, even St. Thomas Aquinas did not endorse — though nor did he reject — the Blessed Virgin’s Immaculate Conception, as late as the 13th century), before all this, the Church knew and proclaimed that abortion was the slaying of an innocent, unborn child.

Yet, in its hubris, the Democratic Party has chosen to contend with the will of God and defy this 2,000-year-old teaching. The regime of President Joe Biden and his deputy, Vice President Kamala Harris, is illustrative of this trajectory. Under the rule of Biden–Harris, abortion has been advocated at every turn, even in defiance of the U.S. Constitution and the Supreme Court, and the Catholics who dare oppose it are hounded out, persecuted, prosecuted, and derided.

Catholics who adhere to the Tridentine Mass, the form of the liturgy celebrated prior to the Second Vatican Council and liberalized and promoted by the late Pope Benedict XVI, have been targeted by the Biden–Harris FBI and smeared as “racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists.” Catholics like Mark Houck have their homes raided by the Biden–Harris DOJ’s goon squad, all for the crime of praying a Rosary outside an abortion mill. Harris has also excused herself from attending the Archdiocese of New York’s Al Smith charity dinner, so contrary to Catholic principles do her own objectives run.

Even though former President Donald Trump has satisfied himself with overturning Roe v. Wade and has determined that abortion is to be a matter for states to reckon with, the Democratic Party continues to clamor and cry that a second Trump administration means — Gasp! — the potential outlawing of butchering unborn babies. With inflation and illegal immigration both running rampant, wars erupting across the globe, the cost of living rising and the quality of life declining, all that the Democratic Party has to offer is abortion.

This is not simply a political maneuver — after all, a solid plan for economic recovery and prosperity would score the Democrats far more points in the polls and at the voting booth than a shrill, incessant cry that abortions are necessary. No, it is a sacrament. Abortion is, for leftism and the Democratic Party, a religious ritual.

In this light, Whitmer’s mockery of Holy Communion takes on a new layer of menace and malice. To Democrats, the Eucharist is nothing more sacred or worthwhile than a Dorito. Catholics, of course, recognize that the Holy Eucharist is the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Christ Himself, truly present under the appearance of bread and wine. The author and philosopher Peter Kreeft once astutely noted, “Abortion is the Antichrist’s demonic parody of the Eucharist. That’s why it uses the same holy words, ‘This is my body,’ with the blasphemous opposite meaning.”

In the Holy Eucharist, through Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, the blood of an innocent — in fact, of Innocence Himself — is offered as a willing sacrifice to God in reparation for our sins. In abortion, the blood of an innocent is offered as an unwilling sacrifice to demons, to sin, and to oneself, in pursuit of selfishness, in appeasement of fear, or in search of debauchery. The Democratic Party, as the political arm of leftism, is anti-Catholic for precisely this reason: its sacrament of abortion is incompatible with and in direct opposition to the Catholic sacrament of the Eucharist.


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The post The Party of Demons appeared first on The American Spectator | USA News and Politics.