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Chagos Islands and the British bases in Cyprus


The joint UK-Mauritius announcement on October 3, with regards to the Chagos Archipelago reverting to Mauritian sovereignty, makes one wonder if Cyprus has/is indulging in similar discussions with the British, regarding both the Akrotiri and Dhekelia military bases.

Putting aside the intricacies of the 1960 London-Zurich Agreement, one sees clear parallels, albeit on the surface, between that of the Chagos Archipelago and the two British bases on Cyprus. With things ‘hotting’ up in Lebanon, where previously Hezbollah  made a not so veiled threat against Cyprus, perhaps this is the right time for Cyprus to crank up its position with regards to the status quo!

After all, since 1974 Cyprus has been relentlessly pursuing, internationally, for the reunification of the island, (we may ignore the 2004 Annan Plan for the moment!) coupled with the removal of Turkish forces, amongst the Greek-Cypriot demands.
Another thought does come to mind, perhaps Cyprus is happy with having the two British bases onboard. After all, on a yearly basis millions of pounds must be filling the Cypriot coffers and economy via ‘rent’ and expenditures via the UK government/military and their families, thus helping to keep the Cypriot economy healthy.
Iain Irving