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Small Cap Value Report (Fri 11 Oct 2024) - placeholder


Good morning from Paul!

Friday markets/macro summary

I started doing this last Friday, and people seemed to like it, so let's continue.

I’m not an expert, more a moderately educated layman, in economics, but I like to keep abreast of what’s going on, and the broad trends, to help inform my investing.

Halifax reported that UK house prices were up 4.7% year-on-year (the best rise since Nov 2022) - increasing evidence that the residential property market in the UK is recovering (although some mortgage rates went up, due to increased Gilt yields).Florida hurricane sounds bad, but not as bad as initially feared. Seems to have had little effect on markets. Obviously hoping people will be OK (“stuff” can be replaced, but people cant), but I don’t think it’s something that UK investors need to be overly concerned with.Moan of the week (potentially developing into a podcast rant for the coming weekend) - increasing numbers of companies are not stating if they are trading above/in line/below market expectations. That’s the whole point of trading updates, so filling them with other information, but omitting the key info is both annoying and counter-productive (as it makes investors suspicious...