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Bylina knows the secret to getting my attention: an environmental corpse of a mournful giant monarch from a bygone age framed to evoke wistful contemplation of history’s relentless march toward entropy


Perhaps it’s just a testament to the archetypal strength of the image, honestly, but there’s no denying this fallen giant king looks especially gorgeous in Bylina. I’ll move on from his large majesty for a moment though, because it isn’t the only thing this one looks to have going for it.

It’s a single player action RPG, to start with - a genre I’m always interested in watching evolve in ways not tied to its usual form as a good-boy-points-vomiting loot casino. It’s also based on Slavic folklore, something that’s not too uncommon but strikes a wonderful mix between blackly funny whimsy and intense dread when done right. Also, I’ll take more discordant folk music any time. Trailer below.

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