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Republicans are Not Evil…Well, Not All of Them


Photograph by Nathaniel St. Clair

I live in Oklahoma. It’s always been a conservative state. Save for Brad Henry, the lone Democratic Governor who served from 2003 to 2011, this state has elected only Republicans as governor for nearly the last 30 years.

But I thought Trump would change things.

Since 2016, there has been a concerted effort by some conservatives to push back on what the former President has tried to accomplish. The people who make up what has come to be called the ‘Never Trump movement,’ are not socialists. They do not secretly support the democrats. They are not, despite what Laura Ingraham calls them, hateful. There is some disagreement among them, but they tend to believe in small government, fiscal conservatism, and gun rights.

They just don’t like Trump.

There are some who question his religious views. Others do not like his confrontational disposition. There are more still who saw what happened on January 6, 2021and call him a threat to democracy.

These are all reasonable stances to take…but it seems like the rank-and-file Republican in are not moved by any of these arguments. For example, in Oklahoma, to say that one is Trump Republican, is a sure fire way to gain momentum for their political careers. Trump, despite his erratic behavior, is running neck and neck with Kamala Harris. It is so close that no one really knows who is going to win this election.

I just do not understand Republicans.

I am a democrat. A quite progressive one…but Christianity led me to think as I do. I was raised in a Black church that taught me to stand up to injustice; to advocate for the poor. I came of political consciousness in an ethos that wanted to let “justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an everflowing stream.” I’m that kind of Christian. One committed to the social mission of the Black church, but critical of its conservative leanings when it comes to things like homophobia.

And since I am a Christian, I have a great deal of contact with white Christians who vote Red and say that their Christianity calls them to do so. The same faith system that calls me to vote Blue.

I try to understand them. I try to meet them halfway. I have been treated well by many for years. I do not live in a state where I can isolate from them. Where I can only associate with people who think as I do politically. I am forced to be amicable with people with whom I vehemently disagree…but this is getting harder to do.

Trump is a rapist. This is not conjecture. This has been confirmed in a court of law. He is responsible for people attacking the Capitol. He lies more than he tells the truth. And yet, he is supported by people who call themselves Christians. People who say they love this country.

I just don’t get it. I have no answers. Only questions. The way the right is about to vote is as offensive as it is contradictory. I know that Republicans are not evil. Not all of them…but if they support Trump, what else can I call them?

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