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Of Course Kamala Hates Men. It’s Understandable.


By now, since it’s made the rounds on the internet, you’ve likely seen the clip of Kamala Harris going on the awful, sexualized leftist podcast called Call Me Daddy, hosted by a woman named Alex Cooper, and engaging in her classic brand of misandrist sophistry.

What’s that? Here’s a quick refresher:

This was in 2018, when Harris was a senator and not yet the vice president. This was seen as something of a “gotcha” moment, though it was hardly what you’d call substantive.

But Cooper, looking for some achievement that she could use to glorify her guest, dredged it back up. Here’s how that went, along with some extremely incisive commentary to follow:

Yes, the correct answer is the Selective Service Act, which makes men and not women eligible for the draft.

And that is a much more invasive government claim on a male body than any abortion bans are on a female body.

After all, an abortion ban, in truth, keeps inviolate not the body of an adult female but rather that of a fetus, which, left to nature, is intended to leave the womb as a living, breathing human being. An abortion ban tells a female who has conceived that fetus that she must do no harm.

Whereas the draft, if activated, tells an adult male, “You must do harm.”

The last war our government fought under color of an active draft killed some 55,000 of our young men. That was the Vietnam War, which was ginned up through dishonesty on the part of the Lyndon B. Johnson administration and was fought under catastrophically terrible rules of engagement. And then our government, led at the time by a Congress dominated by Johnson’s own political party, simply gave away an honorable peace that would have preserved the South Vietnamese state those 55,000 young American men died to save.

Kamala Harris doesn’t give a damn about any of those 55,000 dead Americans.

She doesn’t give much of a damn about the 330 million current live Americans. And she certainly doesn’t give a damn about the male subset of that population.

How could she? Nothing in Kamala Harris’ political background shows that she has any respect for, or appreciation of, masculinity.

Without delving too deeply into her background, because certainly most of our readers know well what we would find there, it’s very fair to note that Kamala Harris has been and almost unquestionably still is a user of men. She certainly used Willie Brown, California’s greatest political fixer of the late 20th century, to create for herself a career in law and politics that she certainly did not merit. Harris’ meager academic achievements, having graduated from Howard University and the University of California Hastings law school, led to her failing the bar exam in California on her first try. Nonetheless she trafficked with TV host Montel Williams and Brown, which led to various government jobs and an elevation to district attorney in San Francisco, attorney general in California, and the U.S. Senate.

Then Harris ran for president and was utterly eviscerated by her own party’s voters, but nonetheless elevated to vice president by Joe Biden, a man she had tarred as a racist. Kamala paid off Biden’s magnanimity by participating in a coup that robbed Biden of a nomination that he earned in the 2024 Democrat primary field.

This is someone who has used and climbed over practically every man in her life.

Many of those men, of course, deserve zero sympathy.

Did you notice that Harris’ father, an 82-year-old Jamaican native and Marxist law professor who is still around, was not on hand in Chicago for her acceptance of the Democrat Party’s nomination? That seems peculiar, does it not? Harris has made almost no mention of Donald Harris, and in fact the personal narrative her campaign touts acts as if he doesn’t exist. Harris speaks ad nauseam about living in a little house in a “middle-class neighborhood” in Oakland, when in fact she spent more time as a child living in an exclusive neighborhood in Montreal where the average house these days sells for $2.7 million.

Donald Harris has nothing to do with that, of course.

It’s very suggestive of an ugly relationship between the two. It’s hard to imagine a bigger moment in anyone’s life than accepting a nomination for president by a major political party, and yet she obviously didn’t want him there and she refuses to talk about him.

Perhaps that’s Donald Harris’ fault. And frankly, my experience with Marxist academicians makes it seem very plausible that he’s an entirely unsavory SOB nobody would want to claim.

Which is also almost certainly true of Willie Brown.

Brown’s influence on Harris’ life might well have been a positive one for her career. But making her into a side piece meant she therefore wasn’t the kind of woman a respectable man might consider as a wife, and it’s Willie Brown’s contribution that her story never included any biological children of her own. Brown was willing to sleep with Harris, and to inflict her on the public of San Francisco and California with increasingly elevating positions for which she was far below sufficient competence, but he certainly wasn’t willing to leave his own wife to make an honest woman of Kamala.

Which is contemptible on his part. And on hers, but Brown was the senior in that relationship and therefore owns the bulk of the responsibility for it.

If Alex Cooper was a real interviewer and she wanted to generate some news about Harris, she could have asked Kamala if she’s ever conceived a child.

Oh, but that’s far too invasive a question, isn’t it? The public surely doesn’t have a right to know whether Harris got pregnant by Brown or some other man with whom she carried on an affair during her early-adult years. None of our business, right?

What if Kamala Harris was a Republican with that personal history? Do you think she would be entitled to so much privacy?

Seeing as abortion is the apparent centerpiece of Harris’ campaign, and seeing as though her running mate can’t stop lying about his own abortion policy in Minnesota, shouldn’t we Americans have a right to know how personally she actually does take this issue?

If Harris did have an abortion at some point, how did that affect her life? Was she changed psychologically by it as many women are? Did it have anything to do with Harris’ abominable decision to prosecute journalist David Daleiden for the latter’s having compiled video proof that Planned Parenthood is profiting off the body parts of aborted fetuses, something that has certainly not gotten enough attention in this campaign?

She ended up marrying Doug Emhoff, who we’re told is “redefining masculinity,” in the words of the horrific Jen Psaki. That’s another way to say that Doug Emhoff is no male that any real man would respect, seeing as Emhoff, a beta male by any regard who jokes about his status as a “man-wife” or some other such demeaning title in his relationship with her, has with women routinely behaved in a manner unworthy of high male status. We know that Emhoff destroyed his first marriage by conducting an affair with his children’s nanny and got the woman pregnant; she claims to have had a miscarriage, but there are suspicions of a different, if similar, outcome.

And now we learn that Emhoff allegedly hit another woman that he was dating so hard that she physically spun around.

That’s a charge that should disqualify him as the second gentleman, much less the first.

And Kamala Harris chose him.

We can see from her rhetoric and her actions she has little to no respect for men. Perhaps that record also explains why, as Kamala Harris doesn’t seem to associate with any men worth respecting.

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The post Of Course Kamala Hates Men. It’s Understandable. appeared first on The American Spectator | USA News and Politics.