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Orchard Park town board votes to rezone around Highmark Stadium


BUFFALO, N.Y. (WIVB) -- For years, leaders in Orchard Park have been trying to bring hotels and other developments around the Bill's stadium.

Now, they have the chance of a generation with a new stadium and after multiple delays and cancellations, they finally moved forward Wednesday night. Neighbors voiced their concerns at an Orchard Park town board meeting.

The town board, by a vote of 4 to 1, decided to officially rezone areas around Highmark Stadium. It's a decision that they said is a step in the right direction for the town.

The rezoning will allow for hotels, restaurants, bars and retail stores to be built. The changes apply to land around both Highmark and the new stadium, a zone around South Benzing Road and a large zone at the corner of Mile Strip Road and South Western Boulevard.

The public discussion on rezoning was delayed four times before Wednesday night.

Neighbors of the new zoning area are being grandfathered into their current zones, therefore their taxes will not change. However, others at the podium felt like businesses and crowds could encroach their homes, among other concerns such as safety and crime.

"Residents do not favor this type of development," said Orchard Park resident Todd Vanhaughf. "It's large, it doesn't make sense and if a lot of this development was designed or destined to happen, where was it the last 50 years?"

"You want to make it a more family-friendly environment for the people that come to the game at the expense of the families that live there," said Orchard Park resident Debbie May. "We're here 365 days a year."

The council told WIVB News 4 that they will be meeting again and making a few tweaks to the zoning map that will be discussed at further public meetings within the next four weeks.

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Dillon Morello is a reporter from Pittsburgh who has been part of the News 4 team since September of 2023. See more of his work here and follow him on Twitter.