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Former resident guilty of setting fire that gutted May Apartments in 2023


PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) — Reaching a verdict on Wednesday, a Multnomah County jury has determined a man intentionally set a major fire that destroyed the May Apartments of the Goose Hollow neighborhood back in 2023.

More than 16 months after the fire, Garrett Repp was found guilty of starting the fire in the historic building where he lived, causing more than 100 people from their homes on May 16, 2023.

Court documents previously revealed Repp faced eviction and owed thousands of dollars in back rent before the fire. He is guilty on 55 of 56 counts, including arson, reckless endangering and criminal mischief.

The words "guilty" rang through the Multnomah County courtroom, and Repp appeared stoic while the judge read out the jury's verdict over the course of four minutes.

Prior to the fire, police said they responded to the complex 14 times within a year, and fire crews responded 28 times. Afterwards, residents were blocked from getting their belongings because the city deemed the site unsafe and restricted access.

However, many residents reported looting despite security at the site.

One jury member said she was struck by the “amount of destruction, the lead up to it, and just the different acts that were committed,” adding “just how challenging it would have been to live in that environment for the months leading up to the fire."

The damage was so severe that the building had to be demolished.

Following the verdict, attorneys met with the judge to discuss sentence enhancements -- including the possibility of Repp being sentenced as a dangerous offender. He waved his right to have a jury determine sentencing, so the decision will be in the hands of the court.

Stay with KOIN 6 News as this story develops.