Lafayette 'better prepared' for future hurricanes with new Emergency Preparedness Director
LAFAYETTE, La. (KLFY) -- When Hurricane Francine hit Louisiana, Lafayette Parish did not have a Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness Director. Now, Scott Fire Chief Chad Sonnier holds the position.
Sonnier said his two decades of experience as Scott Fire Chief and Lafayette Hazmat Chief prepared him for his new role.
"I was fortunate in the last 20 years to make contacts with not only emergency personnel, but the politicians and the emergency responders throughout the area," Sonnier said. "So, we'll bring those in without any hesitation and hit the ground running with any type of disaster or a major emergency."
Sonnier will oversee coordination among local, state and federal governments, non-governmental organizations and private sectors before, during and after emergency events.
"All the leaders in their respective agencies do an amazing job, and my job is going to be very simple, just coordinating all of that together. Making it one," Sonnier said.
While Lafayette Parish did not have an Emergency Preparedness Director during Hurricane Francine, Sonnier said they will be ready for the next hurricane.
"In our immediate needs, we're going to assess what we have now, how we can change and make it better," Sonnier said. "As soon as this week or early next week, we'll meet with the police chiefs, fire chiefs and get their input on how they think we can better it for future hurricanes that way if we have one this season, we'll be better prepared."