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NYSUT passes resolution on cellphones in schools


ALBANY, N.Y. (NEWS10)--- New York State United Teachers recently passed a resolution regarding cellphones in school.

The union supports a statewide policy requiring what it’s calling a “bell to bell” restriction of students using personal devices such as cellphones, smartwatches, and earbuds. Jaime Ciffone, Executive Vice President of NYSUT explained why.

"It’s really in favor of creating a distraction free environment for our students, prioritizing their mental health— as we know, social media can have an effect on. And really support positive interactions with peers throughout the school day," said Ciffone.

However, NYSUT does support exceptions for instruction and safety needs. The union also wants the restrictions to be designed locally with input from parents and those in the education field.

"We’ve seen many schools have pouches, or those shoe sleeves to put your phones in, but ultimately what we want is a schoolwide and school community procedure in place, a policy in place, this is not falling on the shoulders of our educators."

The New York State School Boards Association thinks restrictions should be left up to the districts.

"We don’t think that a statewide law or a kind of one size fits all approach is the best way to go. We think it would be better for local school districts to solve these issues on a case by case basis in their communities," said David Albert, NYSSBA Chief Communications and Marketing Officer.

He believes this is a job for school boards.

"The school boards are elected by their communities," explained Albert. "They live in their communities, and they are closest to the administrators, teachers, parents, students. And they can actually obtain the input of all of these stakeholders and put together a policy that makes sense."

Albert also said students should have their voices heard on the matter, since they would be impacted by the policy.