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Tiburon creates art committee focused on diversity


The Tiburon Heritage and Arts Commission created a subcommittee that aims to increase equity and diversity in the town’s art community.

The subcommittee will meet as needed and focus on art in underserved communities, such as artists from Marin City and those from the Native American, Latino, Asian American and LGBTQ communities.

“Clearly there are plenty of candidates all over Marin in different communities that we can draw from,” said Arjun Gupta, chair of the commission, at its meeting on Sept. 24. “I think women also belong in that category of that arts as underrepresented artists, at least in the visual arts, in my field, they do.”

Gupta said he wants to look into what organizations or groups exist in Marin that could help facilitate partnerships between artists from underrepresented groups and the town. He said it will take a lot of research to get started.

“It’s about getting on your laptop, your computer, and doing searches and seeing who and what is out there right now,” said Gupta.

Commission member Patricia Ferrin asked if the main goal was to showcase outside artists to Tiburon’s residents. Gupta said it would be in line with the public art program to bring new artists to Tiburon.

“I would like to turn the focus to inclusiveness and underrepresented artists in the Bay Area. In Marin, we have some already,” said Gupta. “That’s what I would like to see. More women artists, more artists of color, more artists of different backgrounds and also from different socio-economic areas as well in Marin County.”

Commission member Victoria Fong said that artists with physical challenges or disabilities should also be considered. She said public outreach should be one of the first actions the committee undertakes.

“If we extend it to our own community, our own community may be able to recommend artists,” said Ferrin.

Jaleh Etemad, vice chair of the committee, said the search should include all art media.

“Asian art would be just fantastic,” said Etemad. “I’d love to have dancers and such, as well.”

Gupta, Etemad and Fong will serve on the ad hoc committee.

The seven-member Heritage and Arts Commission meets monthly, reviews public art and related programs and issues annual awards for historic preservation and community education.