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Sinking Rainbow


Photographer: Robert ForestSummary Author: Robert Forest

I was having breakfast with my family at the Lake Crescent Lodge (Olympic National Park, Washington), with a clear view west on the long axis of the lake when this rainbow magically appeared. Viewing conditions were perfect for over 45 minutes as light rain persisted and sunlight was mostly constant. As the Sun moved higher to my left back (south), the rainbow sank lower and to the right until it was barely perceptible. The three images above show a time lapse of what I observed.

In order to see a rainbow the Sun can't be higher than 42 degrees above the horizon. This is because the angle of minimum deviation of sunlight in water drops is approximately 138 degrees from the Sun's direction -- 42 degrees from the antisolar point. Photos taken on June 10, 2024. 

Lake Crescent, Olympic National Park, Washington Coordinates: 48.0582, -123.8132

Related Links:Sierra Nevada Low RainbowPhysics of Rainbow