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Salvador the Gunzerker Builds | Borderlands 2

BEST BUILDS ON PANDORA! Home » Borderlands 2 » Salvador the Gunzerker BuildsLeveling UpLevel 1 to 36Gunzerking • SurvivabilityPLAYSTYLEIt can be difficult to play the Gunzerker class in the early game, as he unlocks his full potential at a higher level. With this leveling-up build, Salvador will rely on his Gunzerking action skill to get you through the game; with increased Gunzerking time and reduced cooldown, you’ll easily be able to take down group of enemies. The other advantage of this build is survivability, thanks to the skill Down Not Out, Salvador can also draw out a second gun while in FFYL, believe me this will make your life much easier!SOLOGunzerking is a powerful action skill, and the strategy in solo mode is to use it as soon as possible. When Gunzerking, you regain health, ammo, and damage reduction, which is perfect for jumping into battles and clearing out groups of enemies.COOPIn coop mode, Salvador will play the tank role while Gunzerking. However, during cooldown,...