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The Donald Trump Interviews… Claudette Gibson Speaks Out


Exclusive Interview by Karen Beishuizen

Claudette is 62 and lives in Maryland. She is a registered nurse.

KB: Why do you dislike or even hate Trump?

I first became aware of Donald Trump in 2003. My then husband and I went to an impromptu trip to Atlantic City and could not find a place to stay. The Trump Casino was the only one that had available rooms. Let me tell you, there was no pizzaz and the food in the Chinese restaurant was below average but very expensive.

When I asked my husband about it, he said that Trump was this multi-millionaire developer. I started researching and found that he always stiffed contractors and would not pay them what he promised. Since then, I have actively avoided staying at any of his properties and really despise him. He is one of the biggest assholes and conmen that I have encountered in my life. He used the US Treasury as his personal piggy bank and violated the Hatch Act on numerous occasions. He was able to do this with the help of MAGA Republicans who put party above country.

KB: How do you view his supporters?

At first, I felt sorry for them, thinking that they were misled by misinformation. However, as the time passed, I realized that they are just as racist and vile as he is. LBJ famously said:

“If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you picking his pocket.

KB: Why is America better off without Trump?

Trump used the US as his personal piggy bank, appointed loyalists to key positions in his regime and betrayed the US on every level. He is Putin’s lap dog and a danger to the national security of the country. He tried to prevent the peaceful transfer of power and is responsible for the death of 700K Americans during the pandemic.

KB: Why should people vote for Kamala Harris?

I have had pro-Palestinian protestors call me out about voting blue, bottom line is that our fundamental rights are at stake. And that takes precedence over anything else, in my humble opinion.

KB: Why are you a Democrat and how do you view The Republican Party?

I became a Democrat because they are working for the people. Granted that there are corrupt Democrats like Bob Menendez, NJ senator who was found guilty of bribery. Having said that, the work that Democrats do to protect our rights and fight on our behalf is the other reason. Democratic states, by and large, provide better quality of life, education, and health care. I can also call my congressman and get feedback within a 48hrs. On the other hand, Republicans are the party of death, destruction, racists, corruption, and sexual predators. They go out of their way to be cruel, insult people, and neglect their constituents.

Case in point is JD Vance, who spread false rumors that Haitians eat pets. This is extremely dangerous, xenophobic, and inhumane. The Republican party is a cult worshipping Trump. The GOP protects the interest of their mega donors at all costs. How many children haven’t died because of school shootings?

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