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TREASON: ICE Report Reveals Over 13,000 Murderers, 15,000 Rapists, and 425,000 Convicted Criminals Allowed Into America by Biden-Harris Open Border

Credit: Fox News

A recent ICE report has confirmed the devastating consequences of the Biden-Harris regime’s disastrous open border policies.

According to the report from the Deputy Director of ICE Patrick Lechleitner sent to Congressman Tony Gonzalez, over 662,000 illegal immigrants with criminal histories are currently on ICE’s national docket.

Even more alarming is that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is currently tracking over 425,000 illegal immigrants convicted of various crimes, while 226,000 face pending criminal charges, all of whom have been released into the United States under the regime’s lenient immigration enforcement.

Of that staggering number, over 13,000 illegal immigrants have been convicted of homicide, and more than 15,000 have been convicted of sexual assault.

These individuals are not in custody—they are roaming free in communities across the country, thanks to the administration’s so-called “catch and release” policy.

Fox News’ Bill Melugin broke the story, explaining the sheer gravity of the situation to the American people.

ICE has something called a non-detained docket, meaning illegal immigrants who were encountered by DHS but are no longer in federal custody.

In other words, these are illegal immigrants who have been caught and released with court dates set years into the future, or, worse, those ordered deported but still residing within our borders.

National Docket Data for Noncitizens by Criminality and Most Serious Charge Category as of July 21, 2024
National Docket Data for Noncitizens by Criminality and Most Serious Charge Category as of July 21, 2024
National Docket Data for Noncitizens by Criminality and Most Serious Charge Category as of July 21, 2024

Transcript from Melugin’s report:

We just got these numbers moments ago, but it’s a jaw-dropper, to say the least. To set the stage here, let me just explain what these numbers mean. ICE has something called a non-detained docket.

Essentially, what that is, it means migrants who were encountered by DHS but are no longer in federal custody. So, who’s on this non-detained docket? It’s illegal immigrants who were caught and released at the border, released with a court date years away. They’re in immigration proceedings, combined with illegal immigrants who have already been ordered deported from the country by a judge but are still here, roaming the country.

So, keep that in mind—this non-detained docket. According to a letter that the acting director of ICE just sent to Texas Congressman Tony Gonzalez, on ICE’s non-detained docket, they’re currently tracking 425,000 non-citizens who have been convicted of a crime.

Of that number, over 13,000 non-citizens have convictions for homicide and are on the non-detained docket, meaning they’re roaming the country right now. On top of that, there are another 15,811 non-citizens convicted of sexual assault who are roaming the country right now on ICE’s non-detained docket.

It doesn’t stop there. Those are convictions. The ICE director also says there are currently just under 1,900 non-citizens on the non-detained docket who have pending homicide charges and are roaming the country, and another 4,250 non-citizens who have pending sexual assault charges and are roaming the country on the non-detained docket.

People’s eyes might be glazing over right now with all the numbers we just threw at you. Just to put it in a nutshell, what we’ve learned from the acting ICE director via this letter to Congressman Tony Gonzalez is, right now, there are over 13,000 illegal aliens convicted of homicide roaming the United States.

There are another 15,811 illegal aliens roaming the country right now who have been convicted of sexual assault, and there are even more who are facing charges for homicide and sexual assault.

This just goes to show the non-detained docket has exploded under the Biden administration to over, I believe, 7.3 million. We’re anticipating it could hit 8 million by the end of the year.

But looking at the numbers in this letter, there are currently over 600,000 non-citizens on ICE’s non-detained docket who are roaming the country.

Of that, 425,000 have already been convicted of crimes, and 222,000 are pending crimes. Again, the most serious crimes we just told you about: over 13,000 convicted of homicide, over 15,000 convicted of sexual assault.

Honestly, it’s not a surprise to hear, given the horrible headlines we keep seeing popping up in multiple parts of the country almost every day now—headlines of a horrible sexual assault, a murder, or another violent felony committed by an illegal alien who is often caught and released from custody.

The jaw-dropper here, too, is that all these numbers we just rattled off don’t even account for the nearly 2 million got-aways who have crossed our border under the Biden administration. Those almost 2 million got-aways were never encountered by DHS.

They snuck in, were never caught by Border Patrol, never encountered by ICE. There’s no record of them, so they have nothing to do with the numbers I just rattled off.

These are just the numbers of people that ICE has already encountered, that Border Patrol has encountered, that DHS knows who they are.

One of the most egregious examples of the chaos at our border was seen recently in Nantucket. ICE conducted a week-long operation, where, in just 48 hours, they arrested two Salvadoran illegal aliens—got-aways—who were arrested for child rape.

A Brazilian illegal alien was also arrested for sexual assault, and a previously deported Guatemalan was caught again, charged with another sexual assault.

These examples underscore a widespread epidemic of migrant crime that is threatening communities across the nation.

With the Biden-Harris administration’s open-door policies, America is becoming a dumping ground for violent criminals. Communities are living in fear, and law-abiding citizens are left to bear the brunt of this regime’s utter disregard for public safety.


Read the letter below obtained by Fox News:

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