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When Do You Need a Car Accident Lawyer?

If you’re facing severe injuries, liability disputes, or complicated insurance claims, it might be time to hire a car accident lawyer. These professionals not only negotiate on your behalf and protect your rights but often work on contingency fees—meaning you could pay nothing unless you receive a settlement. Learn more about the role of a car accident lawyer, the reasons you might hire one, and the ins and outs of the compensation process.What does a car accident lawyer do?A car accident lawyer represents victims and at-fault drivers involved in a serious car crash, particularly those resulting in injuries, significant property damage, or complex liability issues. Here are some of their key job duties:Advising clients on their legal rights and optionsGathering evidence to build a strong caseDetermining liability and calculating a fair car accident claimNegotiating with lien holders or the other driver's insurance companyIf necessary, representing clients in courtWhile they fall under...