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'Yes you can, Scott': CNN anchor fact-checks Republican over filibuster


CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer fact-checked a former Republican strategist and frequent commentator during a discussion over the filibuster.

The filibuster allows a minority of senators to block or delay legislation, even if it has majority support. The mechanism has drawn criticism from those who see it as a hindrance to passing important legislation.

Vice President and Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris has called for ending the filibuster so lawmakers can push through her pledge to codify Roe v. Wade and guarantee women's right to an abortion through legislation.

Harris told a radio station in Wisconsin that she supports ending the filibuster "for Roe," saying it would "get us to the point where 51 votes would be what we need to actually put back in law the protections for reproductive freedom, and for the ability of every person and every woman to make decisions about their own body – and not have their government tell them what to do."

Harris' comments drew the ire of independent Sen. Joe Manchin, who told CNN's Manu Raju on Tuesday, "Shame on her." Manchin said he can no longer endorse Harris in the race due to her stance on the filibuster.

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When Blitzer asked his panel to react to Manchin's comments, Republican Scott Jennings, called it "amazing" that Harris wants to end the mechanism given that polls have shown Republicans are in a good position to take control over the chamber.

"They might have 51 or 52, so I was shocked to learn that Kamala Harris wants Republicans to get rid of the filibuster today and do goodness knows what," he said with a laugh. "The dynamic is this: the Republican Party will defend the filibuster and thank God because we do need it."

Jennings praised the mechanism as "one of the last tools in Washington to drive bipartisanship."

"It's how you get bipartisan outcomes in one of the two chambers of Congress," he said.

Jennings then tried to slam Harris for trying to do away with the mechanism for one issue.

"But that's not how it works! You can't get rid of it for one issue!" he exclaimed.

Blitzer was having none of it.

"Yes you can, Scott. They got rid of it for Supreme Court justices," said Blitzer.

Jennings pushed back again, saying if lawmakers get rid of the filibuster it won't be for one issue. But Blitzer continued, noting Harris was very specific in that she wanted to get rid of the filibuster to bring back Roe v. Wade.

Jennings doubled down, however.

"If you think the Senate is going to get rid of it for one issue especially a Senate that's not controlled by Democrats — I just — I find this answer to be a total mess."

He added: "The issue is live. And the issue is we shouldn't be changing the rules of the Senate. It's a terrible idea. She's come out for a terrible idea."

Watch the clip below or at this link.