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Why Are Cops Called? 12: Unraveling the Mystery

Report this article Anis Ur Rehman Anis Ur Rehman Search Engine Optimization Specialist, Link Builder, Content Writer Published Oct 8, 2023 + Follow In slang and street vernacular, "12" is often used to refer to the police. But have you ever wondered why cops are called 12? In this article, we'll explore the origins of this curious phrase and shed light on its meaning. The Origins of 12 Early Use in African American Vernacular “Why are cops called 12” The term "12" as a reference to the police is believed to have originated in African American Vernacular English (AAVE) during the 1960s and 1970s. It's important to note that 12 has multiple symbolic meanings in AAVE, and one refers to the police. Why 12? Police Radio Code One common explanation for why cops are called 12 is that it comes from police radio codes. In some jurisdictions, police officers use radio codes to communicate. The code "10-12" is often used to signify that a law enforcement officer is present and in need of assista...