Billionaire Felon: I'm Going To Work 'French Fry Job' At McDonald's
For some unexplainable reason, Donald has continued his baseless claim that Vice President Kamala Harris was lying when she said she briefly worked at McDonald's for a summer gig during her college years in the 1980s. He's doing this perhaps because Harris is more relatable to everyday Americans, while a self-entitled bratty billionaire is not. Trump seems to think that Harris speaks about her summer gig a lot, although that's not true.
"Remember this, for a long time she's been talking about her experience at McDonald's," Trump told his supporters in Pennsylvania. "I worked at McDonald's over the french fries, it was so hot."
Here it comes.
"I think I'm going to go to a McDonald's next week someplace, I'm going to go, it might not be in here, in your place, I'm going to go to a McDonald's, and I'm going to work the french fry job for about a half an hour," he insisted. "I want to see how it is."
Trump then claimed that her job at McDonald's was "a big part of her resume."
"She never worked at McDonald's, but it was a big part of her resume," he said. "They went to, they went to the different places, did she work here, did she work here, did she work here? She said, we don't know who the hell she is, leave us alone, we're making hamburgers."
Xitter users piled in.