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Thousands of struggling households have just DAYS left to get £140 in free cash for energy bills – are you eligible?


THOUSANDS of struggling households have just days left to claim £140 in free cash to help with their energy bills.

The government-led support scheme has been extended for a sixth time, with payments now stretching into the Spring.

Struggling households can receive up to £140 free cash if they apply within the coming days[/caption]

The Household Support Fund (HSF) was originally established in 2021 to support hard-up Brits through the cost of living crisis.

Since then, though, it has been extended beyond its initial deadline in every budget.

Just this month, the Department for Work and Pensions confirmed more extra time for the fund, which is now set to expire early next year.

Under the programme, eligible households are given tax-free payments to be used for essentials like food and energy bills.

However, the HSF is administered by local councils and each authority has its own criteria and cut-off dates.

And for thousands of households under the care of Coventry City Council, the deadline is fast approaching.

Applicants in the area have just days to make their claim, with the council setting September 30 as the final date.

Single people or childless couples can go in for £120 while families can receive £140.

This will be delivered in the form of a single payment covering two months.

Applications opened on April 30 but those who have already applied can do so again up to a maximum of 3 times after their two months runs out.

In Coventry’s case, the funding is designed to be used to help with energy and water bills as well as food shopping.

However, the council website adds that it could be put towards:

  • purchasing essential household items like fridges, freezers, and ovens
  • providing wider household support not linked to energy and water.
  • essential items such as toiletries and sanitary products
  • heating/lighting repairs
  • cases of genuine emergency where existing housing support schemes do not meet this exceptional need, the fund can be used to support housing costs.
  • eligibility for Discretionary Housing Payments (DHPs)

It cannot be used to help with mortgage payments or resolve debts.

How can I apply?

To qualify for the support you must:

  • Be a Coventry resident
  • Have a National Insurance or Application Registration Card number
  • Provide bank or building society statements
  • Provide proof of any benefits or other forms of income you receive

You can make your application by filling out the dedicated form on the council’s website.

It is worth noting that if you already receive benefits, the payments will not affect your eligibility for them.

However, the council is warning that, due to a high volume of applications, it can take up to 10 working days for fuel support and 6 weeks for help with household goods to come through from the point your claim is approved.

Likewise, no support can be offered more than 30 days after the deadline, so get your application in as soon as possible to receive the most support.