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Bermuda party at the Chess Olympiad 2024


The legendary Bermuda party took place the night before the rest day at the Chess Olympiad 2024. Chessbase India sums up the beauty of the party, “As I stood there on the dance floor, grooving to the music I looked around myself – there were players from different countries, some unrated, some below 2000, some grandmasters, some absolute elite players. All of them on the dance floor. All of them having an absolutely wonderful time with each other. […] I started to appreciate how important is the tradition of the Bermuda party! Leaving aside the part where people get drunk sometimes and do things which they ought not to be doing, the Bermuda party provides a platform for people across 180+ countries who have gathered together in a city to interact with one another as equals.”

David Martinez asks, “Is waking up early after the Bermuda Party a sign of responsibility or old age?”