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Terrorists Used to Lose Their Heads. Today, It’s Their Balls.


The life of a terrorist is getting more and more complicated. There used to be a time when an honest-to-God part-time terrorist could kill innocent people and wake up the next day still dreaming of having succeeded in wiping out capitalism, or Israel, or the Christian infidels. In the morning one would detonate a few bombs, kidnap 10 or 15 children and torture them, and then in the afternoon take the kids to the daycare center, pray a little bit facing you-know-where, and then arrive home ready to eat whatever the five wives had cooked. You’d get home ready for dinner, as long as the bombs weren’t belt bombs, in which case you might be a little late back.

However, now things seem to be changing. After doing your regular terrorist stuff all day long, not messing with anyone, doing your own thing, which is blowing up people who aren’t even fighting in your stupid war, just chilling in the middle of the afternoon buying halal meat and whistling Islamic militia hymns, your pager gets a message, and you’ve instantly lost your balls. And, of course, remote sex-change surgery changes your life in many ways, aside from the fact that it will probably take quite some time before being able to sit down again if the pager happened to be in your back pocket. In fact, Mossad’s satirical X account last night launched an appeal that was as timely as it was hilarious: “Please donate your penises.” 

Those who have used terrorism as their only way of life are surprised when their usual victims respond to their attacks by paying them back in a similar coin, except that here the objective was not mass terror, but a direct and individual attack on the terrorists themselves, so individualized that it was almost impossible to harm anyone else, which will make those who accuse Israel of genocide on a daily basis rage.

What Israel has achieved this Tuesday is a definitive change in the technological evolution of defense, warfare, and the fight against terror. We have witnessed live another historic event and, frankly, we have already seen the Twin Towers fall, bombings in Europe, TikTok dances, and a pandemic; personally I am a bit exhausted from living through historic things. Maybe we should leave some fear for the next generations.

True, it is scary to think that the ability to launch such a cyberattack could fall into the wrong hands, but in any case, that is no reason not to use a technology that you have at your fingertips if it will get rid of those who are making the murder of innocents their sole raison d’être.

I wonder if now the Europeans and Americans hesitant toward Israel will finally understand that the defense of democracy and freedom in the land of the Jews is also essential to guarantee our own, that Israel’s resistance is the retaining wall that prevents terrorism from sweeping the West at will. 

I imagine that those who complain that Israel is defending itself because innocent people are dying in the conflict will now complain that only the guilty die, because the cyberattack has been of overwhelming precision, and the extreme left-wing anti-Israeli gang is incorrigible in its adherence to the terrorist cause.

Going anywhere near an individual electronic device again in the next few years will be difficult for these terrorists. Most likely, they will return to smoke signals. But what is certain is that their ability to commit savage attacks on Israeli citizens has been significantly reduced at this point, and their evil coordination via pager I suspect will become a dying practice now, which will drastically reduce joint operations to spread terror. 

In other words: the world is a freer and more peaceful place today, to make a general assessment. I say this because it will not be long before idiots and useful fools will come out to criticize Israel’s determination to survive those who, from Washington or Brussels, will reproach Israel for defending itself, instead of asking for forgiveness and handing themselves over to the Islamists to be cut to pieces like their Oct. 7 compatriots. And what is more: from now on, any Islamic terrorist dreaming of a bloodbath in Europe or the United States should carefully consider whether the land being targeted belongs to a country allied to Israel because sometimes technology flies almost as fast as the balls of murderers who misbehave.

The post Terrorists Used to Lose Their Heads. Today, It’s Their Balls. appeared first on The American Spectator | USA News and Politics.