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MAGA Candidate Wants Women To Get Their Vajayjays 'Under Control'


The gubernatorial race here in North Carolina is bonkers. On the one hand, we have NC Attorney General Josh Stein, a scandal-free Democrat with a lengthy list of endorsements, including from Reproductive Freedom for All, a group for women's reproductive rights. And then there is Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson, a Trump-endorsed candidate plagued with scandals. Even Republicans are distancing themselves from him.

Robinson and his wife, who has scandals of her own, including ripping off the Girl Scouts, recently revealed the "no compromise on abortion" candidate, who allegedly frequented 24-hour porn shops, had an abortion procedure.

A new video has surfaced, and it's incredibly creepy as he tells Hilltop Baptist Church members in Thomasville, North Carolina:

“All this giving out of birth control and advising people how. Here’s how you don’t have a baby: You don’t have what you do to make a baby until you’re ready to have that baby.”

Sure, tell that to Trump, an adjudicated rapist, who believes that when you're powerful, you can grab women by the "pussy" without consent.

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