News in English

The influence of emotional feedback material type on attentional capture at different presentation times


by Jiacheng Gao, Lin Jia, Suxia Wen, Yadi Jia, Guangxin Li, Hongli Liu


This study aimed to explore the influence of emotional feedback materials on attentional capture at different presentation times and to investigate the mechanisms of positive and negative attentional biases.


Two experiments were conducted. Experiment 1 recruited 47 participants, and Experiment 2 recruited 46 participants. Emotional facial images and emotional words were used as feedback materials. A learning-testing paradigm was employed to explore the effect of emotional feedback materials on attentional capture at different presentation times (1000 ms/100 ms).


We compared the accuracy and reaction times of participants under emotional and neutral conditions at both presentation times. Experiment 1 revealed that participants exhibited a stable positive attentional bias towards emotional facial images. Additionally, under the 100 ms feedback condition, emotional interference on judgment task accuracy was greater than under the 1000 ms feedback condition. Experiment 2 found that under the 100 ms feedback condition, emotional interference on reaction time was greater than under the 1000 ms feedback condition. Comparing the data from both experiments revealed that the processing time for emotional facial images was longer than for emotional words.


(1) Emotional facial images are more effective than emotional words in capturing attention. (2) When positive and negative information with equal arousal levels alternates over a period of time, individuals exhibit a stable positive attentional bias. (3) When there is intense competition for attention and cognitive resources, emotional information is prioritized for processing.