Stronger-than-ever feasibility thumbs up for R18bn platinum group metals project in Limpopo
The latest independent definitive feasibility study (DFS) for the Waterberg platinum group metals (PGM) project in Limpopo is even more emphatic on the economic viability and wealth creation potential of the R18.8-billion scheme, which now has an even-higher 54-year life-of-mine (LoM) outlook from deemed kick-off in December 2025. Located 85 km north of the town of Mokopane on the northern limb of the well-endowed Bushveld Complex, the long-awaited Waterberg PGM project is a joint venture (JV) between Toronto- and New York-listed Platinum Group Metals (37.19%), Implats (14.86%), HJ Platinum (21.95%) – made up of Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (Jogmec) and Hanwa – and black economic empowerment partner Mnombo Wethu Consultants (26%).