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Your Daily Horoscope by Madame Clairevoyant: September 16, 2024

Photo-Illustration: by The Cut; Photo: Getty Images

This morning, the waxing moon enters Pisces as it builds toward tomorrow’s lunar eclipse. No matter how sensible you normally are, today you could struggle to keep a totally objective perspective, as emotions and intuitions become impossible to ignore. Don’t take every feeling you have as an incontrovertible fact, but don’t treat them as trivial, either: Sometimes your unconscious knows things your conscious mind hasn’t yet figured out.

Aries Daily Horoscope


You might find that your outer and inner worlds don’t quite match today. Maybe you seem calm to others, while inside you’re in turmoil; maybe the outer trappings of your life are the same as they’ve always been, while inside you sense a transformation taking place. It can be irritating when your friends don’t seem to recognize your subjective experience, but for now, it hardly matters whether or not others get it. It’s not up to the people in your life to make sense of your emotions — it’s only up to you.

Taurus Daily Horoscope


You aren’t necessarily a contrarian by nature, but you’re also not someone who will ignore your better judgment just to go along with the crowd. If you disagree with the consensus, you won’t hesitate to say so, and today is a good day to lean into your stubborn side. Stay true to your principles and you won’t regret it: It could even end up bringing you closer to the people you care most about.

Gemini Daily Horoscope


You’re an excellent communicator — not just because of your sharp mind, but also because you’re so aware of the effect your behavior has on others. When you don’t seem to be getting through in a conversation, or when people misread your intentions, you’re skilled at changing up your delivery. Today’s a particularly good day for impressing someone important in your life — just be careful not to be so laser-focused on making yourself likable that you discount your authentic self.

Cancer Daily Horoscope


As much as you value your relationships, it sometimes feels like all they do is introduce stress into your life. Other people are demanding and unpredictable, always bringing added noise into your otherwise peaceful existence. Today, lean into the mess. What you need now, though you might not realize it, is surprise, excitement, the possibility of something new. If your friends threaten to shake up your routines, let them.

Leo Daily Horoscope


Even though you’re surrounded by people who care deeply about you, it might not feel like enough today. Maybe your oldest relationships have grown predictable, or your connections with the people in your social circle seem suddenly shallow. If your heart is telling you you need more, listen. This is a good day for deepening bonds, but take it slow: It’s all too easy now to put others on a pedestal or project an intimacy that isn’t really there.

Virgo Daily Horoscope


It’s easy to feel taken for granted today, especially by the people closest to you. Your contributions seem to go unnoticed and your sacrifices unappreciated. You offer love and support to others because you want to, but even so, a little recognition would be nice. Just remember that privately stewing about it won’t get you what you want. If you’re looking for something in your relationship to change, you have to say so.

Libra Daily Horoscope


Today, it feels like everyone you’ve ever met suddenly wants to give you advice. Friends and strangers alike have tips for you on how to improve your life. Mostly, their input is offered in good faith, but it gets stressful: People’s opinions are contradictory and confusing. There’s no way you could take all of it onboard — so stop trying. Heed the advice that works for you, and disregard the rest. You are the best judge of what you need right now.

Scorpio Daily Horoscope


Most of the time, you don’t call attention to yourself. You move with a quiet confidence, and because of this, you sometimes get the impression that nobody really notices you — but that couldn’t be further from the truth, especially today. Your friends trust your judgment, and they look to you for guidance. Don’t imagine that you’re invisible: People pay much more attention to you than you realize.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope


You tend to be pretty emotionally resilient. While others might dwell for days on an unkind comment or a weird interaction, you’d rather move on. Today, though, you could be uncharacteristically moody and struggle to brush off things that normally wouldn’t bother you. It’s tempting to try to power through it, but that’s likely to make you feel worse. You’re allowed to have negative feelings and express them: It’s not your job to be in a good mood all the time.

Capricorn Daily Horoscope


It might feel more difficult than usual to concentrate on your long-term goals or “real” work today. Unexpected tasks keep popping up, people keep stopping by to chat, and your attention won’t stop wandering. It would be easy to beat yourself up about this — why can’t you just focus? — but try to be more generous toward yourself. Consider that all the little distractions might be exactly what you should be focused on right now.

Aquarius Daily Horoscope


There’s a part of you that imagines you won’t be able to — perhaps don’t deserve to — relax until you’ve answered all of life’s questions, whether that means healing old wounds or perfecting elements of your personality you dislike. As long as there’s still work to be done, you struggle to justify taking a break. But, today, remember that you’re never going to reach a finish line. Your life will always be a work in progress — so if you ever want to rest or enjoy yourself, you might as well do it now.

Pisces Daily Horoscope


While some people won’t make a move unless they can make a rational case for it, fitting it into their five-year plan, you’re not so rigid. If you have a strong feeling about something or someone, you pay attention. Some of the time, you try to ignore your intuition — you recognize that decision-making based on vibes alone isn’t always the smartest — but today, if your gut is trying to tell you something, listen. After all, people can make flawed decisions based on logic, too.

Buy Claire Comstock-Gay’s book, Madame Clairevoyant’s Guide to the Stars, here.
