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Trump the True Barbarian


Most boys growing into men today — playing their phones instead of reading books — will have a harder time than we Culture War veterans in understanding the real world. Even their interminable superhero movies are basically video games. Consequently, without a foundation in metaphorical literature or drama, they will be easier to deceive by leftwing academia and media.

Those of us who read his story know what comes next for Donald Trump.

They’ll never enjoy the reward of following Robert E. Howard’s Conan the Barbarian as he carves a violent — often sexually pleasurable — path through a myriad of effete sorcerous tyrants. For if they did, they would appreciate the historic role Donald Trump is playing in the modern political arena and wouldn’t care less about his brash personality.

There’s no question Trump’s rough demeanor is repellant to many people, even a few real men my age. This lamentable truth hit close to home last week during my daily bout of Wordle against three buddies in Washington D.C. For those unfamiliar with the game (as I was a year ago), you have six rows to ascertain the five-letter word of the day. The goal is to get the word in the highest row possible. Our average is four rows, and we rarely draw blanks in all six. So, I was surprised to see a total wipeout for one of us the morning after the Harris-Trump debate — till I saw Steve’s filled letter blocks: TRUMP, LOSER, AHOLE, FALSE, ANGRY, TOAST. (READ MORE from Lou Aguilar: Hollywoke Heroes and Movies We’ll Never See)

With politics a forbidden, futile subject among the group, I can only ponder what it is about Trump that can trigger such game-blowing derangement from an otherwise cool guy. I can’t ask Steve or my other two friends, Vic and Dave, what Trump ever did to merit their hostility, or which presidential act of his can justify it.

Was it securing the border with Mexico? Achieving across-the-board prosperity? Crushing ISIS in two months? The Abraham Accords? Rebuilding the military? The COVID vaccines? Ending Roe v. Wade? They couldn’t answer me — only blast his boorishness, chauvinism, and braggadocio. All would be valid impediments in normal times. But these are not normal times. For America, it could be the End Times.

The Perils of Kamala

If Kamala Harris and the machine Left controlling her get elected, the following horrors will happen. Twenty million illegal aliens allowed in the last Administration will get the right to vote, ensuring permanent Democratic rule.

Opposing speech will be prohibited and free speech platforms crushed — see Brazil. Baby murder will be permitted up to the moment of birth, even after birth — see Tim Walsh’s Minnesota. Children will be taken away from parents who deny their “chosen gender” — see California. And the Supreme Court, newly packed with a liberal majority, will support the State — back to Brazil. But Trump is a jerk, according to my friends.

I asked Vic if watching Trump get shot in the head, then rise up bloody but unbowed didn’t impress him as a man. He said no, which made me sad. I can understand celebrity fruitcakes losing their leftist minds over Trump. They live in a fantasy bubble so far removed from regular folks as to be on another planet, Planet Hollywoke. For them, the thought of Trump’s imminent reelection has driven them off the already deep end.

Director and permanent TDS sufferer Rob Reiner recently declared he would set himself on fire should Trump get elected. “I can’t live in this country if he becomes president,” Barbra Streisand said on Stephen Colbert’s The Late Show. And Kathy Griffin fears for comedians. “He’s going to pick us off, one by one, like bowling pins,” she told Entertainment Weekly. But if Griffin meant actual comedians, she and every late-night talk show host are safe.

The Real Donald Trump

The truth is Donald Trump was a great President, who did none of the outrages ascribed to him. Whether he’s a good man or not can only be judged by a Higher Power. Though he did something that convinced me that he is. He sent a heartwarming birthday letter to a little boy suffering from a rare brain disorder and growth hormone deficiency. The letter made the sweet boy cry. And the video of it did the same to me.

“Dear Lliam, happy eight birthday,” Trump wrote. “Mrs. Trump and I hope you enjoy this special occasion surrounded by the love of your family and friends. We are so encouraged by the strength and determination you have shown throughout your young life. And send our love and best wishes to you as you continue to fight. Remember that you are never alone, and we are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers for continued care and good health. May God bless you and your family … Sincerely, Donald Trump.”

If I thought it would make any difference in their opinion of Trump, I would share the video with my Wordle crew. But I know it wouldn’t, so I won’t. What I also know that they do not is that Donald Trump is all that stands between our country and a disaster from which it would never recover.

So, unlike them, I’ll do everything in my power to get him elected. Fortunately, so will most real men and the women who love them and this country. The nation’s enemies know it too, and they’ll do anything to remove him.

As I write this article, reports are coming in of another assassination attempt on Trump that took place on his Palm Beach, Florida golf course. Palm Beach County Sheriff Ric Bradshaw said U.S. Secret Service agents fired at a man pointing an AK-style rifle with scope as Trump was on the golf course. The Secret Service removed Trump from the scene. According to Sean Hannity, a friend of his playing with the former President heard him say, “I really wish I could’ve finished that hole.” (READ MORE: Reagan Made Me a Conservative)

Trump has now survived several attempts to kill him. As did Conan the Barbarian, who went from warrior to king, defeating the unmasculine power elite along the way. Those of us who read his story know what comes next for Donald Trump. My Wordle friends and former Hollywoke ones ain’t gonna like it.


An old-fashioned tough guy detective novel with a modern twist,

Friends and book lovers in the D.C. area are cordially invited to attend the signing of my new political thriller detective novel The Washington Trail at Washington’s preeminent bookstore, Politics & Prose, on Saturday September 28th at 3 PM. “An old-fashioned tough-guy detective novel with a modern twist, The Washington Trail will keep you guessing until the very end.”

Faith Moore, author of Saving Cinderella and Christmas Karol

The post Trump the True Barbarian appeared first on The American Spectator | USA News and Politics.