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ABC News Blew It. Crime Is Up.


Former president Trump was incorrectly “fact checked” corrected by the ABC moderators in the recent debate. The most easily proved point the ABC team “corrected” was Trump’s claim that violent crime has skyrocketed under the Biden-Harris regime because of crime committed by illegal aliens.

Polis isn’t serious about ridding the Denver area of TdA. Residents are being terrorized by the gang.

ABC’s David Muir interrupted him to say, “President Trump, as you know, the FBI says overall violent crime is actually coming down.” The FBI’s most recent crime statistics show that Muir was comprehensively wrong.

In the Justice Department’s “National Crime Victimization Survey,” which was released last week, DoJ reported that violent crime was up 37 percent from 2020 to 2023, rape is up 42 percent, robbery is up 63 percent, and stranger violence is up 61 percent. (READ MORE from Jed Babbin: Questions for Kamala Harris)

The number or percentage of violent crimes committed by illegal aliens is not something that the government publishes for obvious reasons. If those numbers were published, someone might actually demand that the Biden-Harris crew be held accountable for the crime waves that are making our cities, and some areas outside them, damn nearly uninhabitable.

Latin American Crime Syndicates

We know that violent Central and South American gangs have been operating here for years. MS-13, founded in Los Angeles in the 1980s, grew to its current enormous membership primarily due to members who came to the U.S. illegally from Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Nicaragua.

MS-13 now extends its criminal activities throughout the country. There is  an MS-13 presence here in Northern Virginia where I live.

There are other criminal gangs and drug cartels that have taken root in most states. Recently the media has focused on the “Tren de Aragua” gang — literally, the “train to Aragua,” a state in northern Venezuela — which was created by the inmates of a Venezuelan jail. They, like MS-13, are hyperviolent and operate across our country.

Mr. Trump’s claim at the debate that Venezuela is seeing a decrease in violent crime went unnoticed. He must have taken that position because that is what the Venezuelan government claims.

Mr. Trump shouldn’t believe anything the Maduro government publishes, but he made the point at the debate.

In a recent report, the “Observatorio Venezolano de Violencia” stated there was a drop in violent crime of 25 percent. It bases that number on the fact that a great many criminals have emigrated to other countries. The United States is one of those countries.

According to a Wall Street Journal report, Tren de Aragua (TdA) is known for dismembering rivals from Chile to Columbia. It is known to be operating in Texas and dozens of criminal cases against it are pending in Miami. Some law enforcement officials refer to TdA as “MS-13 on steroids.”

According to that same report, many TdA members have come into the U.S. among the 700,000 Venezuelans that the Biden-Harris crew has allowed into the country. As the WSJ reported, “Tren de Aragua members are suspects in the shooting of two New York police officers, the killing of a former Venezuelan police officer in South Florida, and crimes from Chicago to Texas, law-enforcement authorities said.”

The report added, “Tren de Aragua members have found particularly lucrative territory in New York City, authorities said. They are accused of robberies at upscale stores, and moped-riding gang members also have been blamed for snatching phones from unsuspecting pedestrians, said Joseph Kenny, chief of detectives for the New York Police Department. ‘It was like a wave of crime like we had never seen before,’ Kenny said.”

Red State vs. Blue State Crime Responses

We know about Tren de Aragua because of their activities that have generated media coverage in Colorado and Texas as well.

According to recent reports, TdA took over an Aurora, Colorado apartment building, terrorizing residents and forcing the landlord to sell the property. As you’d expect, Colorado Gov. Jared Polis, a Democrat, denied that any such thing was occurring.

After making that statement, Polis backed off. He announced on X (formerly Twitter) that “taking over buildings has no place in Colorado,” and that he’d “been in touch” with Aurora officials over the past month and “offered any and all state assistance” to “back up any operation by the Aurora Police Department.”

Polis isn’t serious about ridding the Denver area of TdA. Residents are being terrorized by the gang. Truth doesn’t matter to him, but should no one blame him for the mess his party has made? Every Dem politician is to blame because they march in lockstep behind Biden and Harris. (READ MORE: Harris and Walz Are the Radicals)

Texas, as you’d also expect, is doing things differently. When TdA members took over a hotel, Texas police closed it down and threw them out.

The TdA problem is beyond local law enforcement. It will take a massive federal effort to find and throw its members out of the country. That won’t happen with Biden and Harris in charge. After all, it’s their open border policy that admitted them in the first place.

And it’s not just the gangs. Hardly a day goes by that the media doesn’t report more crimes by illegal aliens. Yesterday, one report said that an illegal from the Dominican Republic, Julio Cesar Pimentel-Soriano, was charged with the stabbing murders of a family of four.

We know that Vice President Harris will keep our borders open. It’s long past time to throw her and the rest of the Biden bums out of government.

The post ABC News Blew It. Crime Is Up. appeared first on The American Spectator | USA News and Politics.