News in English

The Birmingham Church Bombing


On September 15, 1963, on a Sunday morning, four young black girls were killed in the bombing at the Birmingham church in Alabama

Their names were fourteen year-old Addie Mae Collins, fourteen year-old Cynthia Wesley, fourteen year-old Carole Robertson and eleven year-old Carol Denise McNair.

Martin Luther King Jr., held meetings at The 16th Street Baptist Church and it was third bombing that took place after integration was ordered in Alabama. As we know, Alabama was repository for the worst of the KKK at that time.

A well-known Klan member, Robert Chambliss, was charged with murder and with buying 122 sticks of dynamite. In October 1963, Chambliss was cleared of the murder charge and received a six-month jail sentence and a $100 fine for the dynamite. Although a subsequent FBI investigation identified three other men—Bobby Frank Cherry, Herman Cash and Thomas E. Blanton, Jr.—as having helped Chambliss commit the crime, it was later revealed that FBI chairman J. Edgar Hoover blocked their prosecution and shut down the investigation without filing charges in 1968. After Alabama Attorney General Bill Baxley reopened the case, Chambliss was convicted in 1977 and sentenced to life in prison.

Hoover did his best to erase this travesty, but he failed.

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