News in English

Jack Lowry Signs For Bournemouth from Poole!


Whilst it’s sad to lose a Poole player, as a Club, our job is to help players of all abilities enjoy football and grown to their own potential. So we are waving goodbye (somewhat early!) to Jack, but it is testament to his coaches who have moulded him into the best version of himself.

It is also a big pat on the back for Jack who ultimately is the one who has to go out and work hard to develop himself

Steve Hesford, Jack’s manager for his time with Poole Town FC Wessex said:


“Jack has been a member of the squad for the past 4 years and has been an absolute pleasure to coach, his passion to succeed and determination to develop is every bit of why he has just signed a contract with Bournemouth.


Wishing you all the best in your football journey Jack and I cannot wait to watch you from the sidelines.

Jack’s mum, Sally said:


“Jack’s been with Poole Town FC Wessex for 4 years and the success of the team has given him the strength and desire to get where he is today, signing for AFC Bournemouth Youth Academy.


Thanking all coaches and staff at Poole Town FC Wessex for all the support whilst he completed the trial”


So from everyone at the Club, thank you Jack and good luck.