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Donald Explodes, Calls On ABC News To Fire Entire Staff


Donald J. Trump isn't taking his debate loss against Vice President Kamala Harris on ABC News very well. The felon choked during the stunning 90-minute debate, during which the former President unraveled. Of course, Trump is denying reality, which is a constant theme with the Mar-a-Lago maniac. The ex-president took to his flailing Truth Social platform to call for the entire ABC News staff to be fired after his defeat on Tuesday.

"People are just starting to give me credit for having a GREAT DEBATE," Trump falsely wrote. "The Voters and Voter Polls showed it, but the Fake News Media wasn't giving the credit that was due."

"Now they are seeing the results with independent Voters, Evangelicals, and more - and saying, WOW!" he added. "Remember, I wasn't debating one person, I was debating three. They should fire everybody at ABC Fake News, whose two lightweight 'anchors' have brought disgrace onto the company!"

The fake news-propagating former President is wrong. Shocking, I know. Even a Republican-sponsored poll shows that Harris curb-stomped Trump during the debate by a wide margin.

Polls and pundits widely criticized Trump's debate performance. The only people propping up the former President's debate performance are those who deny reality. Like this guy, for example:

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