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Kamala Harris Has a Plan — To Take, Take, Take


I watched the debate, and … oh boy. Pay no attention to whether

  • Donald Trump lost his cool — he did,
  • Kamala Harris sounded annoying — she did, or
  • The moderators shamelessly took sides — did they ever.

None of that matters because the clouds parted, the sun broke through, and Kamala informed us that, for the first time in her campaign, she has a plan. Her campaign isn’t just about saving democracy anymore. She’s going to save the economy too — by creating an “opportunity economy.” Apparently “opportunity” came in second to “joy” in the focus group testing.

She even told us how she’s going to create that “opportunity economy.” She’s going to give away stuff. Who would have thought a Democrat had such a capacity for out-of-the-box creativity.

  • She’s going to give new parents $6,000 so they can afford a new crib — which, given the current rate of inflation, sounds about right.
  • She’s going to give new homeowners $25,000 to offset the skyrocketing mortgage rates she created — for a couple of years anyway.
  • She’s going to give new business startups $50,000 to replace some of the mom-and-pop venture capital lost when she and Joe shuttered their businesses for a virus.

That’s it. That’s her plan: spend, spend, spend — sorry, give, give, give. 

There’s just one teeny-tiny little thing that Kamala didn’t get to with all of her planning — the other side of the equation. Money out must equal money in. She didn’t explain where she’s going to get the money for all of her generous giving.

Had the moderators thought to ask how she’s going to pay for it, I’m sure Kamala would have screeched “It’s an investment!” When Kamala says government spending is an investment, she’s claiming it will pay for itself by stimulating the economy and creating more taxpayers — like baby crib manufacturers. She claims that government “investment” raises revenue just like the Inflation Reduction Act did. Oops … I wonder if the moderators would have fact-checked that?

The cold hard reality is that the government doesn’t create wealth. It can only consume it, waste it, or redistribute it — sometimes all at once. When Kamala says she’s going to make an investment, she’s promising to take our money, wash it through a few agencies who charge processing fees, give a fraction of it back, and then insist that we now have more money to spend. For Kamala to give-give-give, she must first take-take-take.

There are only three ways for Kamala to get her “investment” seed money. She can cut government, raise taxes, or borrow it.

Had Kamala promised to cut government heads, regulations, or subsidies, she might have actually had a plan to stimulate the economy. But have you ever heard the words “cut government” cross Kamala’s lips? Me neither. She has no intention of 

  • Laying off any of her 80,000 new IRS agents,
  • Slashing her new regulations on home appliances, or
  • Stopping subsidies for the wind turbines polluting Nantucket beaches.

If some maverick journalist ever asks about tax increases, Kamala will soothe everyone’s fears by saying we’re only going to “make the wealthy pay their fair share.” That will only cost her 741 votes (the number of billionaires in the United States). But planning to loot the fortunes of the wealthy completely misses the scope of our spending problem.

Our federal government is currently racking up debt at a rate of $1 trillion every 100 days. If the federal government were to seize every dime of every billionaire’s wealth, it would balance the budget for a mere 17 months — and that’s before Kamala starts her $1.7 trillion “giving” frenzy.

The fact is, the wealthy don’t have enough loot to pick up Kamala’s tab. If she want’s to cover her “investment” with taxes, she’ll have to take it from all of us. 

Fun fact: To balance our current federal budget, every man, woman, and child in America would need to pony up an additional $1,000 per month — every month, forever.

Kamala won’t cut government, and taxpayers can’t afford her plans, so Kamala’s last option to come up with the money is to borrow it — driving up our already astronomical debt. Did I mention that our current debt is enough $100 bills to reach to the moon and back 72 times? But as every mortgage holder knows, debt isn’t free. Not only does it drive up inflation, but we must pay the interest on that debt. The current interest on our debt stands at a whopping $5,000 per person per year. That’s money that will be taken from us, our children, and our grandchildren, into perpetuity — and Kamala promises to add to it.

So, Kamala can pay for her “opportunity economy” by taking the money from 

  • Her army of bureaucrats — which she won’t do,
  • Taking it from us directly as taxes — which we can’t afford,
  • Or taking it from our children — who don’t have a say in the matter.

A government promise to give is also a promise to take.

Walter Mondale made a campaign promise to raise taxes during his 1984 presidential bid. He learned the hard way that “I’m going to take your money” isn’t a winning strategy. He lost to Ronald Reagan in a 49-state-to-1 landslide. So instead, Kamala promises to give, and leaves out the “some of your own money back” small print.


The Debate Was Fixed

Trump Debates Harris, Muir, and Davis to Stalemate

The post Kamala Harris Has a Plan — To Take, Take, Take appeared first on The American Spectator | USA News and Politics.