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Days in politics don’t get much better than this for Democrats


In one evening, Democratic nominee Kamala Harris eviscerated Donald Trump at the debate, gained the endorsement of the planet’s most popular performer, and collected an enormous burst of fundraising from Democrats enthusiastic over her performance. If that wasn’t the best few hours in the history of American politics, it had to be close.

Twenty-four hours ago, even usually liberal pundits were warning that Harris was “in trouble,” that her momentum had “stalled,” and that Trump was going to “Gish gallop” (the strategy of throwing so much incoherent information the opponent can’t handle it) all over her in the debate.

What a difference a day makes. 

In Tuesday night’s debate, Harris might as well have been holding a technical diagram showing the precise location of every one of Trump’s oh-so-sensitive buttons. And she pressed them all. Gleefully. 

Or, as The New Yorker put it, “Kamala Harris, veteran prosecutor, proved beyond a reasonable doubt on Tuesday night that her opponent will always take the bait.”