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The Lies of Kamala Harris in the Debate That Univisión and Telemundo Will NEVER Tell Hispanics. Compare and Debunk Them


Last night’s debate was an indisputable victory both in style and substance for former president and presidential candidate Donald J. Trump, who behaved in a polite and respectful manner in front of a Vice President who continuously made faces and gestures aimed at provoking him. Trump, on the other hand, remained serious and focused throughout the debate.

At the end, Univisión and Telemundo had to rescue her… as usual, launching into fact-checking Trump’s statements, labeling them as «false,» while Kamala’s lies were merely «misleading» and not false. The discriminatory treatment toward Trump was truly regrettable.

Kamala also showed signs of fatigue and a loss of focus from the middle of the debate onward, despite receiving help from ABC moderators in a format where they never corrected Kamala but did so for Trump in real-time, making it three against one.

But let’s talk about the debate itself. Kamala Harris showed who she really is: a puppet with no endurance, no ability to respond, and no solutions. Yet, she offered false promises to fix the problems that she and Biden have unleashed over the past three and a half years in the U.S.

Let’s highlight some of the LIES from the debate:

– Kamala falsely claimed that «no U.S. military members… are currently serving in combat zones.»
– Kamala falsely claimed she does not support government-controlled healthcare (she does).
– Kamala denied supporting a ban on fracking (she does) and the mandatory confiscation of firearms (she does).
– Kamala said, «That’s not true» when President Trump pointed out her support for defunding the police, something she has repeatedly called for.
– Kamala denied raising money to bail out criminals during the «Summer of Love» in 2020, but her tweet is still up.
– Kamala falsely claimed that President Trump supports «Project 2025,» even though he has never been involved.
– Kamala falsely claimed that Tim Walz didn’t legalize abortion on demand up until birth in Minnesota, which is exactly what he did.
– Kamala claimed President Trump supports a national abortion ban (he doesn’t) and wants to ban IVF (he doesn’t).
– Kamala resurrected the Charlottesville hoax, which fact-checkers have repeatedly debunked.

Here’s what Kamala couldn’t explain:

– Why she allowed more than 10 million illegal immigrants to invade the country.
– Why she destroyed the economy and increased inflation.
– Why she supports the killing of over 1 million American babies per year in the womb.
– Why she destroyed the country with weak crime policies.
– Why she fully supported the incompetence of the Afghanistan withdrawal that left 13 American servicemen dead.

Today, you’ll see many media outlets whitewash Kamala and her lies, but keep one thing in mind: Kamala’s radical values “haven’t changed.”

As Trump rightly pointed out, she is a Marxist who has bailed out criminals and is sinking the U.S.

The U.S. has lost its leadership under Biden and Kamala Harris. In defense of the millions of unborn babies and the safety and sovereignty of the nation, Hispanics have only one candidate who can set things straight, and his name is Donald Trump.

María Herrera Mellado es una abogada de EE.UU. y licenciada en España. Doctora en Ciencias Jurídicas y Analista política. La Dra. Herrera es conocida por su amplia experiencia en análisis y consultas en el diseño de políticas públicas, propuestas de ley y gestión en relaciones internacionales.

Su reconocimiento proviene de sus contribuciones al análisis y representación legal de diversas organizaciones, empresas e individuos que han visto abusados sus derechos humanos, su privacidad o en la inclusión  de políticas efectivas fundamentalmente en el ámbito de la transparencia y la rendición de cuentas, así como la lucha contra la corrupción.

Su formación académica y experiencias profesionales la convierten en una voz respetada en el debate público y en el análisis de temas de actualidad sobre todo en los desafíos políticos y legales contemporáneos.


María Herrera Mellado is a U.S.-based attorney also licensed in Spain. She holds a PhD in Legal Sciences and is known as a media legal and policy analyst.

Dr. Herrera is recognized for her extensive experience in analyzing and consulting on public policy design, legislative proposals, and international relations management.

Her recognition stems from her contributions to the analysis and legal representation of various organizations, companies, and individuals whose human rights or privacy have been violated, or who have benefited from the inclusion of effective policies, primarily in the areas of transparency, accountability, and the fight against corruption.

Her academic background and professional experience make her a respected voice in public debate and in the analysis of current issues, particularly in contemporary political and legal challenges.

The post The Lies of Kamala Harris in the Debate That Univisión and Telemundo Will NEVER Tell Hispanics. Compare and Debunk Them appeared first on Gateway Hispanic.

The post The Lies of Kamala Harris in the Debate That Univisión and Telemundo Will NEVER Tell Hispanics. Compare and Debunk Them appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.