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Video 1444: Everything We Know (Including Link to Video) About the Live-Streamed Russian Suicide Video

Video 1444 is a suicide video by Russian VK user Bleb Korablev who shot himself in the head with a rifle during a live-stream on October 17, 2019. Here is everything we know about the video.On October 17, 2019, 18-year-old Moscow lyceum No. 654 student Gleb Korablev started a live-stream on Russian social media network VK.During the live-stream, Korablev took a Saiga semi-automatic rifle and shot himself in the head.Before shooting himself he warned someone to not notify his parents right away and referenced a Russian suicide meme before taking his life.Here is what he said: "Nikita, if you'll tell the parents [about this] too quickly, I'll get you from beyond the grave. I know that you have their phone number. Anyway… How does the saying go? Nyan, bye!"His motives are currently unknown.Based on how long the video lasts, the police arrived 2.5 hours later.The suicide video was quickly spread throughout various Russian VK groups as well as Russian imageboard 2ch. Although the video was...